



2020年欧洲计算机视觉会议(ECCV 2020)于2020年8月24-27日召开,是欧洲图像分析领域的权威会议。



Quaternion Equivariant Capsule Networks for 3D Point Clouds


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DeepFit: 3D Surface Fitting via Neural Network Weighted Least Squares


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NSGANetV2: Evolutionary Multi-Objective Surrogate-Assisted Neural Architecture Search


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Describing Textures using Natural Language


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Empowering Relational Network by Self-Attention Augmented Conditional Random Fields for Group Activity Recognition


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AiR: Attention with Reasoning Capability


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Self6D: Self-Supervised Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation


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Invertible Image Rescaling


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Synthesize then Compare: Detecting Failures and Anomalies for Semantic Segmentation


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House-GAN: Relational Generative Adversarial Networks for Graph-constrained House Layout Generation


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Crowdsampling the Plenoptic Function


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VoxelPose: Towards Multi-Camera 3D Human Pose Estimation in Wild Environment




End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers


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DeepSFM: Structure From Motion Via Deep Bundle Adjustment


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Ladybird: Quasi-Monte Carlo Sampling for Deep Implicit Field Based 3D Reconstruction with Symmetry


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Segment as Points for Efficient Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation


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Conditional Convolutions for Instance Segmentation


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MutualNet: Adaptive ConvNet via Mutual Learning from Network Width and Resolution


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Fashionpedia: Ontology, Segmentation, and an Attribute Localization Dataset


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Privacy Preserving Structure-from-Motion


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Rewriting a Deep Generative Model


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Compare and Reweight: Distinctive Image Captioning Using Similar Images Sets


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Long-term Human Motion Prediction with Scene Context


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NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis


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ReferIt3D: Neural Listeners for Fine-Grained 3D Object Identification in Real-World Scenes


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MatryODShka: Real-time 6DoF Video View Synthesis using Multi-Sphere Images


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Learning and Aggregating Deep Local Descriptors for Instance-level Recognition




A Consistently Fast and Globally Optimal Solution to the Perspective-n-Point Problem


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Learn to Recover Visible Color for Video Surveillance in a Day


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Deep Fashion3D: A Dataset and Benchmark for 3D Garment Reconstruction from Single Images


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Spatially Adaptive Inference with Stochastic Feature Sampling and Interpolation


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BorderDet: Border Feature for Dense Object Detection


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Regularization with Latent Space Virtual Adversarial Training


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Du²Net: Learning Depth Estimation from Dual-Cameras and Dual-Pixels


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Model-Agnostic Boundary-Adversarial Sampling for Test-Time Generalization in Few-Shot learning




Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing based Retrieval


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Gradient Centralization: A New Optimization Technique for Deep Neural Networks


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Content-Aware Unsupervised Deep Homography Estimation


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Multi-View Optimization of Local Feature Geometry


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The Phong Surface: Efficient 3D Model Fitting using Lifted Optimization


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Forecasting Human-Object Interaction: Joint Prediction of Motor Attention and Actions in First Person Video


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Learning Stereo from Single Images


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Prototype Rectification for Few-Shot Learning


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Learning Feature Descriptors using Camera Pose Supervision


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Semantic Flow for Fast and Accurate Scene Parsing


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Appearance Consensus Driven Self-Supervised Human Mesh Recovery


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Diffraction Line Imaging


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Aligning and Projecting Images to Class-conditional Generative Networks


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Suppress and Balance: A Simple Gated Network for Salient Object Detection


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Visual Memorability for Robotic Interestingness via Unsupervised Online Learning


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Post-Training Piecewise Linear Quantization for Deep Neural Networks


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Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification


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In-Home Daily-Life Captioning Using Radio Signals


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Self-Challenging Improves Cross-Domain Generalization


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A Competence-aware Curriculum for Visual Concepts Learning via Question Answering


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Multitask Learning Strengthens Adversarial Robustness


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S2DNAS: Transforming Static CNN Model for Dynamic Inference via Neural Architecture Search


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Improving Deep Video Compression by Resolution-adaptive Flow Coding


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Motion Capture from Internet Videos


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Appearance-Preserving 3D Convolution for Video-based Person Re-identification




Solving the Blind Perspective-n-Point Problem End-To-End With Robust Differentiable Geometric Optimization


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Exploiting Deep Generative Prior for Versatile Image Restoration and Manipulation


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Deep Spatial-angular Regularization for Compressive Light Field Reconstruction over Coded Apertures


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Video-based Remote Physiological Measurement via Cross-verified Feature Disentangling


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Combining Implicit Function Learning and Parametric Models for 3D Human Reconstruction


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Orientation-aware Vehicle Re-identification with Semantics-guided Part Attention Network


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Mining Cross-Image Semantics for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation


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CoReNet: Coherent 3D Scene Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image


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Layer-wise Conditioning Analysis in Exploring the Learning Dynamics of DNNs


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RAFT: Recurrent All-Pairs Field Transforms for Optical Flow


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Domain-invariant Stereo Matching Networks


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DeepHandMesh: A Weakly-supervised Deep Encoder-Decoder Framework for High-fidelity Hand Mesh Modeling


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Content Adaptive and Error Propagation Aware Deep Video Compression


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Towards Streaming Perception


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Towards Automated Testing and Robustification by Semantic Adversarial Data Generation


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Adversarial Generative Grammars for Human Activity Prediction


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GDumb: A Simple Approach that Questions Our Progress in Continual Learning


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Learning Lane Graph Representations for Motion Forecasting


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What Matters in Unsupervised Optical Flow


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Synthesis and Completion of Facades from Satellite Imagery


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Mapillary Planet-Scale Depth Dataset




V2VNet: Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication for Joint Perception and Prediction


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Training Interpretable Convolutional Neural Networks by Differentiating Class-specific Filters


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EagleEye: Fast Sub-net Evaluation for Efficient Neural Network Pruning


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Intrinsic Point Cloud Interpolation via Dual Latent Space Navigation


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Cross-Domain Cascaded Deep Translation


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“Look Ma, no landmarks! – Unsupervised, Model-based Dense Face Alignment


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Online Invariance Selection for Local Feature Descriptors


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Rethinking Image Inpainting via a Mutual Encoder-Decoder with Feature Equalizations


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TextCaps: a Dataset for Image Captioning with Reading Comprehension


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It is not the Journey but the Destination: Endpoint Conditioned Trajectory Prediction


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Learning What to Learn for Video Object Segmentation


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SIZER: A Dataset and Model for Parsing 3D Clothing and Learning Size Sensitive 3D Clothing


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LIMP: Learning Latent Shape Representations with Metric Preservation Priors


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Unsupervised Sketch to Photo Synthesis


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A Simple Way to Make Neural Networks Robust Against Diverse Image Corruptions


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SoftPoolNet: Shape Descriptor for Point Cloud Completion and Classification


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Hierarchical Face Aging through Disentangled Latent Characteristics


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Hybrid Models for Open Set Recognition




TopoGAN: A Topology-Aware Generative Adversarial Network


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Learning to Localize Actions from Moments


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ForkGAN: Seeing into the Rainy Night


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TCGM: An Information-Theoretic Framework for Semi-Supervised Multi-Modality Learning


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ExchNet: A Unified Hashing Network for Large-Scale Fine-Grained Image Retrieval


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TSIT: A Simple and Versatile Framework for Image-to-Image Translation


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ProxyBNN: Learning Binarized Neural Networks via Proxy Matrices


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HMOR: Hierarchical Multi-Person Ordinal Relations for Monocular Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation


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Mask2CAD: 3D Shape Prediction by Learning to Segment and Retrieve


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A Unified Framework of Surrogate Loss by Refactoring and Interpolation


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Deep Reflectance Volumes: Relightable Reconstructions from Multi-View Photometric Images


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Memory-augmented Dense Predictive Coding for Video Representation Learning


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PointMixup: Augmentation for Point Clouds


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Identity-Guided Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-Identification




Learning Gradient Fields for Shape Generation


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COCO-FUNIT: Few-Shot Unsupervised Image Translation with a Content Conditioned Style Encoder


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Corner Proposal Network for Anchor-free, Two-stage Object Detection




PhraseClick: Toward Achieving Flexible Interactive Segmentation by Phrase and Click




Unified Multisensory Perception: Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing


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Learning Delicate Local Representations for Multi-Person Pose Estimation




Learning to Plan with Uncertain Topological Maps


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Neural Design Network: Graphic Layout Generation with Constraints


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Learning Open Set Network with Discriminative Reciprocal Points


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Convolutional Occupancy Networks


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Multi-person 3D Pose Estimation in Crowded Scenes Based on Multi-View Geometry


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TIDE: A General Toolbox for Identifying Object Detection Errors


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PointContrast: Unsupervised Pre-training for 3D Point Cloud Understanding


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DSA: More Efficient Budgeted Pruning via Differentiable Sparsity Allocation


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Circumventing Outliers of AutoAugment with Knowledge Distillation




S2DNet: Learning Image Features for Accurate Sparse-to-Dense Matching


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RTM3D: Real-time Monocular 3D Detection from Object Keypoints for Autonomous Driving


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Video Object Segmentation with Episodic Graph Memory Networks


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Rethinking Bottleneck Structure for Efficient Mobile Network Design


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Side-Tuning: A Baseline for Network Adaptation via Additive Side Networks


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Towards Part-aware Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation: An Architecture Search Approach




REVISE: A Tool for Measuring and Mitigating Bias in Visual Datasets


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Contrastive Learning for Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding


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Collaborative Learning of Gesture Recognition and 3D Hand Pose Estimation with Multi-Order Feature Analysis


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Making an Invisibility Cloak: Real World Adversarial Attacks on Object Detectors


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TuiGAN: Learning Versatile Image-to-Image Translation with Two Unpaired Images


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Semi-Siamese Training for Shallow Face Learning


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GAN Slimming: All-in-One GAN Compression by A Unified Optimization Framework


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Human Interaction Learning on 3D Skeleton Point Clouds for Video Violence Recognition




Binarized Neural Network for Single Image Super Resolution




Axial-DeepLab: Stand-Alone Axial-Attention for Panoptic Segmentation


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Adaptive Computationally Efficient Network for Monocular 3D Hand Pose Estimation


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Chained-Tracker: Chaining Paired Attentive Regression Results for End-to-End Joint Multiple-Object Detection and Tracking


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Distribution-Balanced Loss for Multi-Label Classification in Long-Tailed Datasets


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Hamiltonian Dynamics for Real-World Shape Interpolation


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Learning to Scale Multilingual Representations for Vision-Language Tasks


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Multi-modal Transformer for Video Retrieval


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Feature Representation Matters: End-to-End Learning for Reference-based Image Super-resolution




RobustFusion: Human Volumetric Capture with Data-driven Visual Cues using a RGBD Camera


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Surface Normal Estimation of Tilted Images via Spatial Rectifier


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Multimodal Shape Completion via Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks


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Generative Sparse Detection Networks for 3D Single-shot Object Detection


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Grounded Situation Recognition


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Learning Modality Interaction for Temporal Sentence Localization and Event Captioning in Videos


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Unpaired Learning of Deep Image Denoising


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Self-supervising Fine-grained Region Similarities for Large-scale Image Localization


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Rotationally-Temporally Consistent Novel View Synthesis of Human Performance Video


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Side-Aware Boundary Localization for More Precise Object Detection


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SF-Net: Single-Frame Supervision for Temporal Action Localization


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Negative Margin Matters: Understanding Margin in Few-shot Classification


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Particularity beyond Commonality: Unpaired Identity Transfer with Multiple References


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Tracking Objects as Points


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CPGAN: Content-Parsing Generative Adversarial Networks for Text-to-Image Synthesis


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Transporting Labels via Hierarchical Optimal Transport for Semi-Supervised Learning




MTI-Net: Multi-Scale Task Interaction Networks for Multi-Task Learning


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Learning to Factorize and Relight a City


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Region Graph Embedding Network for Zero-Shot Learning


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GRAB: A Dataset of Whole-Body Human Grasping of Objects


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DEMEA: Deep Mesh Autoencoders for Non-Rigidly Deforming Objects


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RANSAC-Flow: Generic Two-stage Image Alignment


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Semantic Object Prediction and Spatial Sound Super-Resolution with Binaural Sounds


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Neural Object Learning for 6D Pose Estimation Using a Few Cluttered Images


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Dense Hybrid Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Net with Dynamic Consistency Checking


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Pixel-Pair Occlusion Relationship Map (P2ORM): Formulation, Inference & Application


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MovieNet: A Holistic Dataset for Movie Understanding


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Short-Term and Long-Term Context Aggregation Network for Video Inpainting


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DH3D: Deep Hierarchical 3D Descriptors for Robust Large-Scale 6DoF Relocalization


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Face Super-Resolution Guided by 3D Facial Priors


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Label Propagation with Augmented Anchors: A Simple Semi-Supervised Learning baseline for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation


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Are Labels Necessary for Neural Architecture Search?


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BLSM: A Bone-Level Skinned Model of the Human Mesh


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Associative Alignment for Few-shot Image Classification


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Cyclic Functional Mapping: Self-supervised Correspondence between Non-isometric Deformable Shapes




View-Invariant Probabilistic Embedding for Human Pose


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Contact and Human Dynamics from Monocular Video


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PointPWC-Net: Cost Volume on Point Clouds for (Self-)Supervised Scene Flow Estimation


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Points2Surf Learning Implicit Surfaces from Point Clouds


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Few-Shot Scene-Adaptive Anomaly Detection


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Personalized Face Modeling for Improved Face Reconstruction and Motion Retargeting


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Entropy Minimisation Framework for Event-based Vision Model Estimation


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Reconstructing NBA Players


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PIoU Loss: Towards Accurate Oriented Object Detection in Complex Environments




TENet: Triple Excitation Network for Video Salient Object Detection




Deep Feedback Inverse Problem Solver


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Learning From Multiple Experts: Self-paced Knowledge Distillation for Long-tailed Classification




Hallucinating Visual Instances in Total Absentia


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Weakly-supervised 3D Shape Completion in the Wild


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DTVNet: Dynamic Time-lapse Video Generation via Single Still Image


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CLIFFNet for Monocular Depth Estimation with Hierarchical Embedding Loss


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Collaborative Video Object Segmentation by Foreground-Background Integration


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Adaptive Margin Diversity Regularizer for handling Data Imbalance in Zero-Shot SBIR




ETH-XGaze: A Large Scale Dataset for Gaze Estimation under Extreme Head Pose and Gaze Variation


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Calibration-free Structure-from-Motion with Calibrated Radial Trifocal Tensors


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Occupancy Anticipation for Efficient Exploration and Navigation


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Unified Image and Video Saliency Modeling


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TAO: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Tracking Any Object


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A Generalization of Otsu’s Method and Minimum Error Thresholding


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A Cordial Sync: Going Beyond Marginal Policies for Multi-Agent Embodied Tasks


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Big Transfer (BiT): General Visual Representation Learning


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VisualCOMET: Reasoning about the Dynamic Context of a Still Image


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Few-shot Action Recognition with Permutation-invariant Attention


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Character Grounding and Re-Identification in Story of Videos and Text Descriptions




AABO: Adaptive Anchor Box Optimization for Object Detection via Bayesian Sub-sampling


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Learning Visual Context by Comparison


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Large Scale Holistic Video Understanding


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Indirect Local Attacks for Context-aware Semantic Segmentation Networks


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Predicting Visual Overlap of Images Through Interpretable Non-Metric Box Embeddings


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Connecting Vision and Language with Localized Narratives


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Adversarial T-shirt! Evading Person Detectors in A Physical World


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Bounding-box Channels for Visual Relationship Detection




Minimal Rolling Shutter Absolute Pose with Unknown Focal Length and Radial Distortion


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SRFlow: Learning the Super-Resolution Space with Normalizing Flow


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DeepGMR: Learning Latent Gaussian Mixture Models for Registration


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Active Perception using Light Curtains for Autonomous Driving


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Invertible Neural BRDF for Object Inverse Rendering




Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation via Strong-weak Dual-branch Network


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Practical Deep Raw Image Denoising on Mobile Devices


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SoundSpaces: Audio-Visual Navigation in 3D Environments


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Two-Stream Consensus Network for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization


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Erasing Appearance Preservation in Optimization-based Smoothing


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Counterfactual Vision-and-Language Navigation via Adversarial Path Sampler


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Guided Deep Decoder: Unsupervised Image Pair Fusion


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Filter Style Transfer between Photos


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JGR-P2O: Joint Graph Reasoning based Pixel-to-Offset Prediction Network for 3D Hand Pose Estimation from a Single Depth Image


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Dynamic Group Convolution for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks


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RD-GAN: Few/Zero-Shot Chinese Character Style Transfer via Radical Decomposition and Rendering




Object-Contextual Representations for Semantic Segmentation


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Efficient Spatio-Temporal Recurrent Neural Network for Video Deblurring


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Joint Semantic Instance Segmentation on Graphs with the Semantic Mutex Watershed


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Photon-Efficient 3D Imaging with A Non-Local Neural Network


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GeLaTO: Generative Latent Textured Objects


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Improving Vision-and-Language Navigation with Image-Text Pairs from the Web


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Directional Temporal Modeling for Action Recognition


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Shonan Rotation Averaging: Global Optimality by Surfing SO(p)(n)


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Semantic Curiosity for Active Visual Learning


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Multi-Temporal Recurrent Neural Networks For Progressive Non-Uniform Single Image Deblurring With Incremental Temporal Training


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ProgressFace: Scale-Aware Progressive Learning for Face Detection


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Learning Multi-layer Latent Variable Model via Variational Optimization of Short Run MCMC for Approximate Inference


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CoTeRe-Net: Discovering Collaborative Ternary Relations in Videos




Modeling the Effects of Windshield Refraction for Camera Calibration


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Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of NIR Images through Generative Latent Search


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PROFIT: A Novel Training Method for sub-4-bit MobileNet Models


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Visual Relation Grounding in Videos


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Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose and Shape Reconstruction with Normalizing Flows


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Controlling Style and Semantics in Weakly-Supervised Image Generation


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Jointly learning visual motion and confidence from local patches in event cameras


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SODA: Story Oriented Dense Video Captioning Evaluation Framework


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Sketch-Guided Object Localization in Natural Images


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A unifying mutual information view of metric learning: cross-entropy vs. pairwise losses


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Behind the Scene: Revealing the Secrets of Pre-trained Vision-and-Language Models


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The Hessian Penalty: A Weak Prior for Unsupervised Disentanglement


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STAR: Sparse Trained Articulated Human Body Regressor


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Optical Flow Distillation: Towards Efficient and Stable Video Style Transfer


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Collaboration by Competition: Self-coordinated Knowledge Amalgamation for Multi-talent Student Learning


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Do Not Disturb Me: Person Re-identification Under the Interference of Other Pedestrians


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Learning 3D Part Assembly from a Single Image


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PT2PC: Learning to Generate 3D Point Cloud Shapes from Part Tree Conditions


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Highly Efficient Salient Object Detection with 100K Parameters


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HardGAN: A Haze-Aware Representation Distillation GAN for Single Image Dehazing




Lifespan Age Transformation Synthesis


[supplementary material] 


Domain2Vec: Domain Embedding for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation


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Simulating Content Consistent Vehicle Datasets with Attribute Descent




Multiview Detection with Feature Perspective Transformation


[supplementary material] 


Learning Object Relation Graph and Tentative Policy for Visual Navigation


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Adversarial Self-Supervised Learning for Semi-Supervised 3D Action Recognition




Across Scales & Across Dimensions: Temporal Super-Resolution using Deep Internal Learning


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Inducing Optimal Attribute Representations for Conditional GANs


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AR-Net: Adaptive Frame Resolution for Efficient Action Recognition


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Image-to-Voxel Model Translation for 3D Scene Reconstruction and Segmentation


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Consistency Guided Scene Flow Estimation


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Autoregressive Unsupervised Image Segmentation


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Controllable Image Synthesis via SegVAE


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Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning for Efficient and Effective GAN Architecture Search


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Efficient Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging from Transient Sinograms


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Texture Hallucination for Large-Factor Painting Super-Resolution


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Learning Progressive Joint Propagation for Human Motion Prediction


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Image Stitching and Rectification for Hand-Held Cameras


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ParSeNet: A Parametric Surface Fitting Network for 3D Point Clouds


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The Group Loss for Deep Metric Learning


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Learning Object Depth from Camera Motion and Video Object Segmentation


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OnlineAugment: Online Data Augmentation with Less Domain Knowledge


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Learning Pairwise Inter-Plane Relations for Piecewise Planar Reconstruction


[supplementary material] 


Intra-class Feature Variation Distillation for Semantic Segmentation




Temporal Distinct Representation Learning for Action Recognition




Representative Graph Neural Network


[supplementary material] 


Deformation-Aware 3D Model Embedding and Retrieval


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Atlas: End-to-End 3D Scene Reconstruction from Posed Images


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Multiple Class Novelty Detection Under Data Distribution Shift


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Colorization of Depth Map via Disentanglement


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Beyond Controlled Environments: 3D Camera Re-Localization in Changing Indoor Scenes


[supplementary material] 


GeoGraph: Graph-based multi-view object detection with geometric cues end-to-end




Localizing the Common Action Among a Few Videos


[supplementary material] 


TAFSSL: Task-Adaptive Feature Sub-Space Learning for few-shot classification


[supplementary material] 


Traffic Accident Benchmark for Causality Recognition




Face Anti-Spoofing with Human Material Perception


[supplementary material] 


How Can I See My Future? FvTraj: Using First-person View for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction




Multiple Expert Brainstorming for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification




NASA Neural Articulated Shape Approximation


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Towards Unique and Informative Captioning of Images


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When Does Self-supervision Improve Few-shot Learning?


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Two-branch Recurrent Network for Isolating Deepfakes in Videos




Incremental Few-Shot Meta-Learning via Indirect Discriminant Alignment


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BigNAS: Scaling Up Neural Architecture Search with Big Single-Stage Models


[supplementary material] 


Differentiable Hierarchical Graph Grouping for Multi-Person Pose Estimation




Global Distance-distributions Separation for Unsupervised Person Re-identification


[supplementary material] 


I2L-MeshNet: Image-to-Lixel Prediction Network for Accurate 3D Human Pose and Mesh Estimation from a Single RGB Image


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Pose2Mesh: Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Human Pose and Mesh Recovery from a 2D Human Pose


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ALRe: Outlier Detection for Guided Refinement




Weakly-Supervised Crowd Counting Learns from Sorting rather than Locations




Unsupervised Domain Attention Adaptation Network for Caricature Attribute Recognition


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Many-shot from Low-shot: Learning to Annotate using Mixed Supervision for Object Detection


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Curriculum DeepSDF




Meshing Point Clouds with Predicted Intrinsic-Extrinsic Ratio Guidance


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Improved Adversarial Training via Learned Optimizer


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Component Divide-and-Conquer for Real-World Image Super-Resolution


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Enabling Deep Residual Networks for Weakly Supervised Object Detection


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Deep near-light photometric stereo for spatially varying reflectances


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Learning Visual Representations with Caption Annotations


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Solving Long-tailed Recognition with Deep Realistic Taxonomic Classifier


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Regression of Instance Boundary by Aggregated CNN and GCN


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Social Adaptive Module for Weakly-supervised Group Activity Recognition




RGB-D Salient Object Detection with Cross-Modality Modulation and Selection


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RetrieveGAN: Image Synthesis via Differentiable Patch Retrieval


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Cheaper Pre-training Lunch: An Efficient Paradigm for Object Detection


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Faster Person Re-Identification




Quantization Guided JPEG Artifact Correction


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3PointTM: Faster Measurement of High-Dimensional Transmission Matrices




Joint Bilateral Learning for Real-time Universal Photorealistic Style Transfer


[supplementary material] 


Beyond 3DMM Space: Towards Fine-grained 3D Face Reconstruction


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World-Consistent Video-to-Video Synthesis


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Commonality-Parsing Network across Shape and Appearance for Partially Supervised Instance Segmentation




GMNet: Graph Matching Network for Large Scale Part Semantic Segmentation in the Wild


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Event-based Asynchronous Sparse Convolutional Networks


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AtlantaNet: Inferring the 3D Indoor Layout from a Single 360() Image beyond the Manhattan World Assumption


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AttentionNAS: Spatiotemporal Attention Cell Search for Video Classification


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REMIND Your Neural Network to Prevent Catastrophic Forgetting


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Image Classification in the Dark using Quanta Image Sensors


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n-Reference Transfer Learning for Saliency Prediction


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Progressively Guided Alternate Refinement Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection


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Bottom-Up Temporal Action Localization with Mutual Regularization


[supplementary material] 


On Modulating the Gradient for Meta-Learning


[supplementary material] 


Domain-Specific Mappings for Generative Adversarial Style Transfer


[supplementary material] 


DiVA: Diverse Visual Feature Aggregation for Deep Metric Learning




DHP: Differentiable Meta Pruning via HyperNetworks


[supplementary material] 


Deep Transferring Quantization


[supplementary material] 


Deep Credible Metric Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Person Re-identification




Temporal Coherence or Temporal Motion: Which is More Critical for Video-based Person Re-identification?




Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection with Circular Smooth Label


[supplementary material] 


Learning Event-Driven Video Deblurring and Interpolation


[supplementary material] 


Vectorizing World Buildings: Planar Graph Reconstruction by Primitive Detection and Relationship Inference


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Combine: Knowledge Aggregation for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


CSCL: Critical Semantic-Consistent Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


Prototype Mixture Models for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Webly Supervised Image Classification with Self-Contained Confidence


[supplementary material] 


Search What You Want: Barrier Panelty NAS for Mixed Precision Quantization


[supplementary material] 


Monocular 3D Object Detection via Feature Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


AUTO3D: Novel view synthesis through unsupervisely learned variational viewpoint and global 3D representation


[supplementary material] 


VPN: Learning Video-Pose Embedding for Activities of Daily Living


[supplementary material] 


Soft Anchor-Point Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Beyond Fixed Grid: Learning Geometric Image Representation with a Deformable Grid


[supplementary material] 


Soft Expert Reward Learning for Vision-and-Language Navigation




Part-aware Prototype Network for Few-shot Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Learning from Extrinsic and Intrinsic Supervisions for Domain Generalization


[supplementary material] 


Joint Learning of Social Groups, Individuals Action and Sub-group Activities in Videos


[supplementary material] 


Whole-Body Human Pose Estimation in the Wild


[supplementary material] 


Relative Pose Estimation of Calibrated Cameras with Known SE(3) Invariants


[supplementary material] 


Sequential Convolution and Runge-Kutta Residual Architecture for Image Compressed Sensing


[supplementary material] 


Deep Hough Transform for Semantic Line Detection


[supplementary material] 


Structured Landmark Detection via Topology-Adapting Deep Graph Learning


[supplementary material] 


3D Human Shape and Pose from a Single Low-Resolution Image with Self-Supervised Learning


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Balance Specificity and Invariance for In and Out of Domain Generalization


[supplementary material] 


Contrastive Learning for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation


[supplementary material] 


DLow: Diversifying Latent Flows for Diverse Human Motion Prediction


[supplementary material] 


GRNet: Gridding Residual Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion


[supplementary material] 


Gait Lateral Network: Learning Discriminative and Compact Representations for Gait Recognition




Blind Face Restoration via Deep Multi-scale Component Dictionaries


[supplementary material] 


Robust Neural Networks inspired by Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta methods


[supplementary material] 


Inequality-Constrained and Robust 3D Face Model Fitting


[supplementary material] 


Gabor Layers Enhance Network Robustness


[supplementary material] 


Conditional Image Repainting via Semantic Bridge and Piecewise Value Function


[supplementary material] 


Learnable Cost Volume Using the Cayley Representation


[supplementary material] 


HALO: Hardware-Aware Learning to Optimize


[supplementary material] 


Structured3D: A Large Photo-realistic Dataset for Structured 3D Modeling


[supplementary material] 


BroadFace: Looking at Tens of Thousands of People at Once for Face Recognition




Interpretable Visual Reasoning via Probabilistic Formulation under Natural Supervision


[supplementary material] 


Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Using Weak Labels


[supplementary material] 


Knowledge Distillation Meets Self-Supervision


[supplementary material] 


Efficient Neighbourhood Consensus Networks via Submanifold Sparse Convolutions


[supplementary material] 


Reconstructing the Noise Variance Manifold for Image Denoising


[supplementary material] 


Occlusion-Aware Depth Estimation with Adaptive Normal Constraints


[supplementary material] 


VisualEchoes: Spatial Image Representation Learning through Echolocation


[supplementary material] 


Smooth-AP: Smoothing the Path Towards Large-Scale Image Retrieval


[supplementary material] 


Naive-Student: Leveraging Semi-Supervised Learning in Video Sequences for Urban Scene Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Spatially Aware Multimodal Transformers for TextVQA


[supplementary material] 


Every Pixel Matters: Center-aware Feature Alignment for Domain Adaptive Object Detector


[supplementary material] 


URIE: Universal Image Enhancement for Visual Recognition in the Wild


[supplementary material] 


Pyramid Multi-view Stereo Net with Self-adaptive View Aggregation


[supplementary material] 


SPL-MLL: Selecting Predictable Landmarks for Multi-Label Learning




Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Adversarial Consistency Loss


[supplementary material] 


Discriminability Distillation in Group Representation Learning


[supplementary material] 


Monocular Expressive Body Regression through Body-Driven Attention


[supplementary material] 


Dual Adversarial Network: Toward Real-world Noise Removal and Noise Generation


[supplementary material] 


Linguistic Structure Guided Context Modeling for Referring Image Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Federated Visual Classification with Real-World Data Distribution


[supplementary material] 


Robust Re-Identification by Multiple Views Knowledge Distillation


[supplementary material] 


Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-Pixel Data


[supplementary material] 


RhyRNN: Rhythmic RNN for Recognizing Events in Long and Complex Videos




Take an Emotion Walk: Perceiving Emotions from Gaits Using Hierarchical Attention Pooling and Affective Mapping


[supplementary material] 


Weighing Counts: Sequential Crowd Counting by Reinforcement Learning


[supplementary material] 


Reflection Backdoor: A Natural Backdoor Attack on Deep Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Learn with Variational Information Bottleneck for Domain Generalization


[supplementary material] 


Deep Positional and Relational Feature Learning for Rotation-Invariant Point Cloud Analysis


[supplementary material] 


Thanks for Nothing: Predicting Zero-Valued Activations with Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


Layered Neighborhood Expansion for Incremental Multiple Graph Matching




SCAN: Learning to Classify Images without Labels


[supplementary material] 


Graph convolutional networks for learning with few clean and many noisy labels


[supplementary material] 


Object-and-Action Aware Model for Visual Language Navigation




A Comprehensive Study of Weight Sharing in Graph Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation


[supplementary material] 


MuCAN: Multi-Correspondence Aggregation Network for Video Super-Resolution


[supplementary material] 


Efficient Semantic Video Segmentation with Per-frame Inference


[supplementary material] 


Increasing the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation Models with Painting-by-Numbers


[supplementary material] 


Deep Spiking Neural Network: Energy Efficiency Through Time based Coding




InfoFocus: 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving with Dynamic Information Modeling


[supplementary material] 


Utilizing Patch-level Category Activation Patterns for Multiple Class Novelty Detection


[supplementary material] 


People as Scene Probes


[supplementary material] 


Mapping in a Cycle: Sinkhorn Regularized Unsupervised Learning for Point Cloud Shapes


[supplementary material] 


Label-Efficient Learning on Point Clouds using Approximate Convex Decompositions


[supplementary material] 


TexMesh: Reconstructing Detailed Human Texture and Geometry from RGB-D Video


[supplementary material] 


Consistency-based Semi-supervised Active Learning: Towards Minimizing Labeling Cost


[supplementary material] 


Point-Set Anchors for Object Detection, Instance Segmentation and Pose Estimation




Modeling 3D Shapes by Reinforcement Learning


[supplementary material] 


LST-Net: Learning a Convolutional Neural Network with a Learnable Sparse Transform


[supplementary material] 


Learning What Makes a Difference from Counterfactual Examples and Gradient Supervision


[supplementary material] 


CN: Channel Normalization For Point Cloud Recognition




Rethinking the Defocus Blur Detection Problem and A Real-Time Deep DBD Model




AutoMix: Mixup Networks for Sample Interpolation via Cooperative Barycenter Learning




Scene Text Image Super-resolution in the wild


[supplementary material] 


Coupling Explicit and Implicit Surface Representations for Generative 3D Modeling


[supplementary material] 


Learning Disentangled Representations with Latent Variation Predictability


[supplementary material] 


Deep Space-Time Video Upsampling Networks


[supplementary material] 


Large-Scale Few-Shot Learning via Multi-Modal Knowledge Discovery


[supplementary material] 


Fast Video Object Segmentation using the Global Context Module


[supplementary material] 


Uncertainty-Aware Weakly Supervised Action Detection from Untrimmed Videos


[supplementary material] 


Selecting Relevant Features from a Multi-domain Representation for Few-shot Classification


[supplementary material] 


MessyTable: Instance Association in Multiple Camera Views


[supplementary material] 


A Unified Framework for Shot Type Classification Based on Subject Centric Lens


[supplementary material] 


BSL-1K: Scaling up co-articulated sign language recognition using mouthing cues


[supplementary material] 


HTML: A Parametric Hand Texture Model for 3D Hand Reconstruction and Personalization


[supplementary material] 


CycAs: Self-supervised Cycle Association for Learning Re-identifiable Descriptions




Open-Edit: Open-Domain Image Manipulation with Open-Vocabulary Instructions




Towards Real-Time Multi-Object Tracking




A Balanced and Uncertainty-aware Approach for Partial Domain Adaptation




Unsupervised Deep Metric Learning with Transformed Attention Consistency and Contrastive Clustering Loss


[supplementary material] 


STEm-Seg: Spatio-temporal Embeddings for Instance Segmentation in Videos


[supplementary material] 


Hierarchical Style-based Networks for Motion Synthesis


[supplementary material] 


Who Left the Dogs Out? 3D Animal Reconstruction with Expectation Maximization in the Loop


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Count in the Crowd from Limited Labeled Data


[supplementary material] 


SPOT: Selective Point Cloud Voting for Better Proposal in Point Cloud Object Detection




Explainable Face Recognition


[supplementary material] 


From Shadow Segmentation to Shadow Removal


[supplementary material] 


Diverse and Admissible Trajectory Prediction through Multimodal Context Understanding


[supplementary material] 


CONFIG: Controllable Neural Face Image Generation


[supplementary material] 


Single View Metrology in the Wild


[supplementary material] 


Procedure Planning in Instructional Videos


[supplementary material] 


Funnel Activation for Visual Recognition




GIQA: Generated Image Quality Assessment




Adversarial Continual Learning


[supplementary material] 


Adapting Object Detectors with Conditional Domain Normalization


[supplementary material] 


HARD-Net: Hardness-AwaRe Discrimination Network for 3D Early Activity Prediction




Pseudo RGB-D for Self-Improving Monocular SLAM and Depth Prediction


[supplementary material] 


Interpretable and Generalizable Person Re-Identification with Query-Adaptive Convolution and Temporal Lifting


[supplementary material] 


Self-supervised Bayesian Deep Learning for Image Recovery with Applications to Compressive Sensing


[supplementary material] 


Graph-PCNN: Two Stage Human Pose Estimation with Graph Pose Refinement




Semi-supervised Learning with a Teacher-student Network for Generalized Attribute Prediction


[supplementary material] 


Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Noise Resistible Mutual-Training for Person Re-identification




DPDist: Comparing Point Clouds Using Deep Point Cloud Distance


[supplementary material] 


Bi-directional Cross-Modality Feature Propagation with Separation-and-Aggregation Gate for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation




DataMix: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Edge-Cloud Inference


[supplementary material] 


Neural Re-Rendering of Humans from a Single Image


[supplementary material] 


Reversing the cycle: self-supervised deep stereo through enhanced monocular distillation


[supplementary material] 


PIPAL: a Large-Scale Image Quality Assessment Dataset for Perceptual Image Restoration




Why do These Match? Explaining the Behavior of Image Similarity Models


[supplementary material] 


CooGAN: A Memory-Efficient Framework for High-Resolution Facial Attribute Editing


[supplementary material] 


Progressive Transformers for End-to-End Sign Language Production


[supplementary material] 


Mask TextSpotter v3: Segmentation Proposal Network for Robust Scene Text Spotting


[supplementary material] 


Making Affine Correspondences Work in Camera Geometry Computation


[supplementary material] 


Sub-center ArcFace: Boosting Face Recognition by Large-scale Noisy Web Faces


[supplementary material] 


Foley Music: Learning to Generate Music from Videos


[supplementary material] 


Contrastive Multiview Coding


[supplementary material] 


Regional Homogeneity: Towards Learning Transferable Universal Adversarial Perturbations Against Defenses


[supplementary material] 


Generative Low-bitwidth Data Free Quantization


[supplementary material] 


Local Correlation Consistency for Knowledge Distillation


[supplementary material] 


Perceiving 3D Human-Object Spatial Arrangements from a Single Image in the Wild


[supplementary material] 


Sep-Stereo: Visually Guided Stereophonic Audio Generation by Associating Source Separation


[supplementary material] 


CelebA-Spoof: Large-Scale Face Anti-Spoofing Dataset with Rich Annotations


[supplementary material] 


Thinking in Frequency: Face Forgery Detection by Mining Frequency-aware Clues




Weakly-Supervised Cell Tracking via Backward-and-Forward Propagation


[supplementary material] 


SeqHAND: RGB-Sequence-Based 3D Hand Pose and Shape Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Rethinking the Distribution Gap of Person Re-identification with Camera-based Batch Normalization


[supplementary material] 


AMLN: Adversarial-based Mutual Learning Network for Online Knowledge Distillation




Online Multi-modal Person Search in Videos




Single Image Super-Resolution via a Holistic Attention Network


[supplementary material] 


Can You Read Me Now? Content Aware Rectification using Angle Supervision


[supplementary material] 


Momentum Batch Normalization for Deep Learning with Small Batch Size


[supplementary material] 


AdvPC: Transferable Adversarial Perturbations on 3D Point Clouds


[supplementary material] 


Edge-aware Graph Representation Learning and Reasoning for Face Parsing




BBS-Net: RGB-D Salient Object Detection with a Bifurcated Backbone Strategy Network


[supplementary material] 


G-LBM:Generative Low-dimensional Background Model Estimation from Video Sequences


[supplementary material] 


H3DNet: 3D Object Detection Using Hybrid Geometric Primitives


[supplementary material] 


Expressive Telepresence via Modular Codec Avatars


[supplementary material] 


Cascade Graph Neural Networks for RGB-D Salient Object Detection




FairALM: Augmented Lagrangian Method for Training Fair Models with Little Regret


[supplementary material] 


Generating Videos of Zero-Shot Compositions of Actions and Objects


[supplementary material] 


ViTAA: Visual-Textual Attributes Alignment in Person Search by Natural Language


[supplementary material] 


Renovating Parsing R-CNN for Accurate Multiple Human Parsing




Multi-Task Curriculum Framework for Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning




Gradient-Induced Co-Saliency Detection


[supplementary material] 


Nighttime Defogging Using High-Low Frequency Decomposition and Grayscale-Color Networks




SegFix: Model-Agnostic Boundary Refinement for Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Spatio-Temporal Graph Transformer Networks for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction


[supplementary material] 


Fast Bi-layer Neural Synthesis of One-Shot Realistic Head Avatars


[supplementary material] 


Neural Geometric Parser for Single Image Camera Calibration


[supplementary material] 


Learning Flow-based Feature Warping for Face Frontalization with Illumination Inconsistent Supervision


[supplementary material] 


Learning Architectures for Binary Networks


[supplementary material] 


Semantic View Synthesis


[supplementary material] 


An Analysis of Sketched IRLS for Accelerated Sparse Residual Regression




Relative Pose from Deep Learned Depth and a Single Affine Correspondence


[supplementary material] 


Video Super-Resolution with Recurrent Structure-Detail Network




Shape Adaptor: A Learnable Resizing Module


[supplementary material] 


Shuffle and Attend: Video Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


DRG: Dual Relation Graph for Human-Object Interaction Detection


[supplementary material] 


Flow-edge Guided Video Completion


[supplementary material] 


End-to-End Trainable Deep Active Contour Models for Automated Image Segmentation: Delineating Buildings in Aerial Imagery


[supplementary material] 


Towards End-to-end Video-based Eye-Tracking


[supplementary material] 


Generating Handwriting via Decoupled Style Descriptors


[supplementary material] 


LEED: Label-Free Expression Editing via Disentanglement


[supplementary material] 


Fashion Captioning: Towards Generating Accurate Descriptions with Semantic Rewards


[supplementary material] 


Reducing Language Biases in Visual Question Answering with Visually-Grounded Question Encoder


[supplementary material] 


Unsupervised Cross-Modal Alignment for Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Class-Incremental Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


Anti-Bandit Neural Architecture Search for Model Defense




Wavelet-Based Dual-Branch Network for Image Demoiréing


[supplementary material] 


Low Light Video Enhancement using Synthetic Data Produced with an Intermediate Domain Mapping


[supplementary material] 


Non-Local Spatial Propagation Network for Depth Completion


[supplementary material] 


DanbooRegion: An Illustration Region Dataset


[supplementary material] 


Event Enhanced High-Quality Image Recovery


[supplementary material] 


PackDet: Packed Long-Head Object Detector


[supplementary material] 


A Generic Graph-based Neural Architecture Encoding Scheme for Predictor-based NAS


[supplementary material] 


Learning Semantic Neural Tree for Human Parsing


[supplementary material] 


Sketching Image Gist: Human-Mimetic Hierarchical Scene Graph Generation


[supplementary material] 


Burst Denoising via Temporally Shifted Wavelet Transforms


[supplementary material] 


JSSR: A Joint Synthesis, Segmentation, and Registration System for 3D Multi-Modal Image Alignment of Large-scale Pathological CT Scans




SimAug: Learning Robust Representations from Simulation for Trajectory Prediction


[supplementary material] 


ScribbleBox: Interactive Annotation Framework for Video Object Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Rethinking Pseudo-LiDAR Representation


[supplementary material] 


Deep Multi Depth Panoramas for View Synthesis


[supplementary material] 


MINI-Net: Multiple Instance Ranking Network for Video Highlight Detection


[supplementary material] 


ContactPose: A Dataset of Grasps with Object Contact and Hand Pose


[supplementary material] 


API-Net: Robust Generative Classifier via a Single Discriminator


[supplementary material] 


Bias-based Universal Adversarial Patch Attack for Automatic Check-out


[supplementary material] 


Imbalanced Continual Learning with Partitioning Reservoir Sampling


[supplementary material] 


Guided Collaborative Training for Pixel-wise Semi-Supervised Learning


[supplementary material] 


Stacking Networks Dynamically for Image Restoration Based on the Plug-and-Play Framework


[supplementary material] 


Efficient Transfer Learning via Joint Adaptation of Network Architecture and Weight




Spatial Attention Pyramid Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


GSIR: Generalizable 3D Shape Interpretation and Reconstruction




Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection from Lidar Point Cloud


[supplementary material] 


Two-phase Pseudo Label Densification for Self-training based Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


Adaptive Offline Quintuplet Loss for Image-Text Matching


[supplementary material] 


Learning Object Placement by Inpainting for Compositional Data Augmentation


[supplementary material] 


Deep Vectorization of Technical Drawings


[supplementary material] 


CAD-Deform: Deformable Fitting of CAD Models to 3D Scans


[supplementary material] 


An Image Enhancing Pattern-based Sparsity for Real-time Inference on Mobile Devices




AutoTrajectory: Label-free Trajectory Extraction and Prediction from Videos using Dynamic Points


[supplementary material] 


Multi-Agent Embodied Question Answering in Interactive Environments




Conditional Sequential Modulation for Efficient Global Image Retouching


[supplementary material] 


Segmenting Transparent Objects in the Wild


[supplementary material] 


Length-Controllable Image Captioning


[supplementary material] 


Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation with Democratic Attention Networks


[supplementary material] 


Defocus Blur Detection via Depth Distillation


[supplementary material] 


Motion Guided 3D Pose Estimation from Videos


[supplementary material] 


Reflection Separation via Multi-bounce Polarization State Tracing


[supplementary material] 


SipMask: Spatial Information Preservation for Fast Image and Video Instance Segmentation




SemanticAdv: Generating Adversarial Examples via Attribute-conditioned Image Editing


[supplementary material] 


Learning with Noisy Class Labels for Instance Segmentation




Deep Image Clustering with Category-Style Representation


[supplementary material] 


Self-supervised Motion Representation via Scattering Local Motion Cues




Improving Monocular Depth Estimation by Leveraging Structural Awareness and Complementary Datasets


[supplementary material] 


BMBC: Bilateral Motion Estimation with Bilateral Cost Volume for Video Interpolation


[supplementary material] 


Hard negative examples are hard, but useful


[supplementary material] 


ReActNet: Towards Precise Binary Neural Network with Generalized Activation Functions




Video Object Detection via Object-level Temporal Aggregation


[supplementary material] 


Object Detection with a Unified Label Space from Multiple Datasets


[supplementary material] 


Lift, Splat, Shoot: Encoding Images from Arbitrary Camera Rigs by Implicitly Unprojecting to 3D


[supplementary material] 


Comprehensive Image Captioning via Scene Graph Decomposition




Symbiotic Adversarial Learning for Attribute-based Person Search


[supplementary material] 


Amplifying Key Cues for Human-Object-Interaction Detection


[supplementary material] 


Rethinking Few-shot Image Classification: A Good Embedding is All You Need?


[supplementary material] 


Adversarial Background-Aware Loss for Weakly-supervised Temporal Activity Localization


[supplementary material] 


Action Localization through Continual Predictive Learning


[supplementary material] 


Generative View-Correlation Adaptation for Semi-Supervised Multi-View Learning




READ: Reciprocal Attention Discriminator for Image-to-Video Re-Identification


[supplementary material] 


3D Human Shape Reconstruction from a Polarization Image


[supplementary material] 


The Devil is in the Details: Self-Supervised Attention for Vehicle Re-Identification




Improving One-stage Visual Grounding by Recursive Sub-query Construction


[supplementary material] 


Multi-level Wavelet-based Generative Adversarial Network for Perceptual Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video


[supplementary material] 


Example-Guided Image Synthesis using Masked Spatial-Channel Attention and Self-Supervision


[supplementary material] 


Content-Consistent Matching for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation




AE TextSpotter: Learning Visual and Linguistic Representation for Ambiguous Text Spotting


[supplementary material] 


History Repeats Itself: Human Motion Prediction via Motion Attention


[supplementary material] 


Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Joint Hotspot Tracking


[supplementary material] 


SRNet: Improving Generalization in 3D Human Pose Estimation with a Split-and-Recombine Approach


[supplementary material] 


CAFE-GAN: Arbitrary Face Attribute Editing with Complementary Attention Feature


[supplementary material] 


MimicDet: Bridging the Gap Between One-Stage and Two-Stage Object Detection




Latent Topic-aware Multi-Label Classification




Finding It at Another Side: A Viewpoint-Adapted Matching Encoder for Change Captioning




Attract, Perturb, and Explore: Learning a Feature Alignment Network for Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


Curriculum Manager for Source Selection in Multi-Source Domain Adaptation




Powering One-shot Topological NAS with Stabilized Share-parameter Proxy




Classes Matter: A Fine-grained Adversarial Approach to Cross-domain Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Boundary-preserving Mask R-CNN




Self-supervised Single-view 3D Reconstruction via Semantic Consistency


[supplementary material] 


MetaDistiller: Network Self-Boosting via Meta-Learned Top-Down Distillation


[supplementary material] 


Learning Monocular Visual Odometry via Self-Supervised Long-Term Modeling


[supplementary material] 


The Devil is in Classification: A Simple Framework for Long-tail Instance Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


What is Learned in Deep Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo?


[supplementary material] 


Prior-based Domain Adaptive Object Detection for Hazy and Rainy Conditions


[supplementary material] 


Adversarial Ranking Attack and Defense


[supplementary material] 


ReDro: Efficiently Learning Large-sized SPD Visual Representation


[supplementary material] 


Graph-Based Social Relation Reasoning


[supplementary material] 


EPNet: Enhancing Point Features with Image Semantics for 3D Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Self-Supervised Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction by Occlusion-Aware Multi-view Geometry Consistency


[supplementary material] 


Asynchronous Interaction Aggregation for Action Detection


[supplementary material] 


Shape and Viewpoint without Keypoints


[supplementary material] 


Learning Attentive and Hierarchical Representations for 3D Shape Recognition




TF-NAS: Rethinking Three Search Freedoms of Latency-Constrained Differentiable Neural Architecture Search


[supplementary material] 


Associative3D: Volumetric Reconstruction from Sparse Views




PlugNet: Degradation Aware Scene Text Recognition Supervised by a Pluggable Super-Resolution Unit


[supplementary material] 


Memory Selection Network for Video Propagation


[supplementary material] 


Disentangled Non-local Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


URVOS: Unified Referring Video Object Segmentation Network with a Large-Scale Benchmark


[supplementary material] 


Generalizing Person Re-Identification by Camera-Aware Invariance Learning and Cross-Domain Mixup


[supplementary material] 


Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting via Self-Training on Surrogate Tasks


[supplementary material] 


Dynamic R-CNN: Towards High Quality Object Detection via Dynamic Training


[supplementary material] 


Boosting Decision-based Black-box Adversarial Attacks with Random Sign Flip


[supplementary material] 


Knowledge Transfer via Dense Cross-Layer Mutual-Distillation


[supplementary material] 


Matching Guided Distillation


[supplementary material] 


Clustering Driven Deep Autoencoder for Video Anomaly Detection




Learning to Compose Hypercolumns for Visual Correspondence


[supplementary material] 


Stochastic Bundle Adjustment for Efficient and Scalable 3D Reconstruction


[supplementary material] 


Object-based Illumination Estimation with Rendering-aware Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


Progressive Point Cloud Deconvolution Generation Network


[supplementary material] 


SSCGAN: Facial Attribute Editing via Style Skip Connections




Negative Pseudo Labeling using Class Proportion for Semantic Segmentation in Pathology




Learn to Propagate Reliably on Noisy Affinity Graphs


[supplementary material] 


Fair DARTS: Eliminating Unfair Advantages in Differentiable Architecture Search


[supplementary material] 


TANet: Towards Fully Automatic Tooth Arrangement


[supplementary material] 


UnionDet: Union-Level Detector Towards Real-Time Human-Object Interaction Detection


[supplementary material] 


GSNet: Joint Vehicle Pose and Shape Reconstruction with Geometrical and Scene-aware Supervision


[supplementary material] 


Resolution Switchable Networks for Runtime Efficient Image Recognition


[supplementary material] 


SMAP: Single-Shot Multi-Person Absolute 3D Pose Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Detect Open Classes for Universal Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


Visual Compositional Learning for Human-Object Interaction Detection


[supplementary material] 


Deep Plastic Surgery: Robust and Controllable Image Editing with Human-Drawn Sketches


[supplementary material] 


Rethinking Class Activation Mapping for Weakly Supervised Object Localization


[supplementary material] 


OS2D: One-Stage One-Shot Object Detection by Matching Anchor Features


[supplementary material] 


Interpretable Neural Network Decoupling


[supplementary material] 


Omni-sourced Webly-supervised Learning for Video Recognition


[supplementary material] 


CurveLane-NAS: Unifying Lane-Sensitive Architecture Search and Adaptive Point Blending


[supplementary material] 


Contextual-Relation Consistent Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Estimating People Flows to Better Count Them in Crowded Scenes


[supplementary material] 


Generate to Adapt: Resolution Adaption Network for Surveillance Face Recognition


[supplementary material] 


Learning Feature Embeddings for Discriminant Model based Tracking


[supplementary material] 


WeightNet: Revisiting the Design Space of Weight Networks




Partially-Shared Variational Auto-encoders for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Target Shift


[supplementary material] 


Learning Where to Focus for Efficient Video Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Learning Object Permanence from Video


[supplementary material] 


Adaptive Text Recognition through Visual Matching


[supplementary material] 


Actions as Moving Points


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Exploit Multiple Vision Modalities by Using Grafted Networks


[supplementary material] 


Geometric Correspondence Fields: Learned Differentiable Rendering for 3D Pose Refinement in the Wild


[supplementary material] 


3D Fluid Flow Reconstruction Using Compact Light Field PIV


[supplementary material] 


Contextual Diversity for Active Learning


[supplementary material] 


Temporal Aggregate Representations for Long-Range Video Understanding


[supplementary material] 


Stochastic Fine-grained Labeling of Multi-state Sign Glosses for Continuous Sign Language Recognition


[supplementary material] 


General 3D Room Layout from a Single View by Render-and-Compare


[supplementary material] 


Neural Dense Non-Rigid Structure from Motion with Latent Space Constraints


[supplementary material] 


Multimodal Memorability: Modeling Effects of Semantics and Decay on Video Memorability


[supplementary material] 


Yet Another Intermediate-Level Attack




Topology-Change-Aware Volumetric Fusion for Dynamic Scene Reconstruction


[supplementary material] 


Early Exit Or Not: Resource-Efficient Blind Quality Enhancement for Compressed Images


[supplementary material] 


PatchNets: Patch-Based Generalizable Deep Implicit 3D Shape Representations


[supplementary material] 


How does Lipschitz Regularization Influence GAN Training?


[supplementary material] 


Infrastructure-based Multi-Camera Calibration using Radial Projections


[supplementary material] 


MotionSqueeze: Neural Motion Feature Learning for Video Understanding


[supplementary material] 


Polarized Optical-Flow Gyroscope


[supplementary material] 


Online Meta-Learning for Multi-Source and Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


An Ensemble of Epoch-wise Empirical Bayes for Few-shot Learning


[supplementary material] 


On the Effectiveness of Image Rotation for Open Set Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


Combining Task Predictors via Enhancing Joint Predictability


[supplementary material] 


Multi-Scale Positive Sample Refinement for Few-Shot Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Single-Image Depth Prediction Makes Feature Matching Easier


[supplementary material] 


Deep Reinforced Attention Learning for Quality-Aware Visual Recognition


[supplementary material] 


CFAD: Coarse-to-Fine Action Detector for Spatiotemporal Action Localization


[supplementary material] 


Learning Joint Spatial-Temporal Transformations for Video Inpainting


[supplementary material] 


Single Path One-Shot Neural Architecture Search with Uniform Sampling


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Generate Novel Domains for Domain Generalization


[supplementary material] 


Continuous Adaptation for Interactive Object Segmentation by Learning from Corrections


[supplementary material] 


Impact of base dataset design on few-shot image classification


[supplementary material] 


Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows


[supplementary material] 


GeoLayout: Geometry Driven Room Layout Estimation Based on Depth Maps of Planes


[supplementary material] 


Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging


[supplementary material] 


Joint 3D Layout and Depth Prediction from a Single Indoor Panorama Image


[supplementary material] 


Guessing State Tracking for Visual Dialogue




Memory-Efficient Incremental Learning Through Feature Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


Neural Voice Puppetry: Audio-driven Facial Reenactment


[supplementary material] 


One-Shot Unsupervised Cross-Domain Detection


[supplementary material] 


Stochastic Frequency Masking to Improve Super-Resolution and Denoising Networks


[supplementary material] 


Probabilistic Future Prediction for Video Scene Understanding


[supplementary material] 


Suppressing Mislabeled Data via Grouping and Self-Attention




Class-wise Dynamic Graph Convolution for Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Character-Preserving Coherent Story Visualization


[supplementary material] 


GINet: Graph Interaction Network for Scene Parsing


[supplementary material] 


Tensor Low-Rank Reconstruction for Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Attentive Normalization


[supplementary material] 


Count- and Similarity-aware R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection


[supplementary material] 


TRADI: Tracking Deep Neural network Weight Distributions


[supplementary material] 


Spatiotemporal Attacks for Embodied Agents


[supplementary material] 


Caption-Supervised Face Recognition: Training a State-of-the-Art Face Model without Manual Annotation




Unselfie: Translating Selfies to Neutral-pose Portraits in the Wild


[supplementary material] 


Design and Interpretation of Universal Adversarial Patches in Face Detection


[supplementary material] 


Few-Shot Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation for Objects in the Wild


[supplementary material] 


Weakly Supervised 3D Hand Pose Estimation via Biomechanical Constraints


[supplementary material] 


Dynamic Dual-Attentive Aggregation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification




Contextual Heterogeneous Graph Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection


[supplementary material] 


Zero-Shot Image Super-Resolution with Depth Guided Internal Degradation Learning


[supplementary material] 


A Closest Point Proposal for MCMC-based Probabilistic Surface Registration




Interactive Video Object Segmentation Using Global and Local Transfer Modules


[supplementary material] 


End-to-end Interpretable Learning of Non-blind Image Deblurring


[supplementary material] 


Employing Multi-Estimations for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation




Learning Noise-Aware Encoder-Decoder from Noisy Labels by Alternating Back-Propagation for Saliency Detection


[supplementary material] 


Rethinking Image Deraining via Rain Streaks and Vapors


[supplementary material] 


Finding Non-Uniform Quantization Schemes using Multi-Task Gaussian Processes




Is Sharing of Egocentric Video Giving Away Your Biometric Signature?


[supplementary material] 


Captioning Images Taken by People Who Are Blind


[supplementary material] 


Improving Semantic Segmentation via Decoupled Body and Edge Supervision


[supplementary material] 


Conditional Entropy Coding for Efficient Video Compression


[supplementary material] 


Differentiable Feature Aggregation Search for Knowledge Distillation




Attention Guided Anomaly Localization in Images


[supplementary material] 


Self-supervised Video Representation Learning by Pace Prediction


[supplementary material] 


Full-Body Awareness from Partial Observations


[supplementary material] 


Reinforced Axial Refinement Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection




Self-Supervised Multi-Task Procedure Learning from Instructional Videos


[supplementary material] 


CosyPose: Consistent multi-view multi-object 6D pose estimation


[supplementary material] 


In-Domain GAN Inversion for Real Image Editing


[supplementary material] 


Key Frame Proposal Network for Efficient Pose Estimation in Videos


[supplementary material] 


Exchangeable Deep Neural Networks for Set-to-Set Matching and Learning


[supplementary material] 


Making Sense of CNNs: Interpreting Deep Representations & Their Invariances with INNs


[supplementary material] 


Cross-Modal Weighting Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection




Open-set Adversarial Defense


[supplementary material] 


Deep Image Compression using Decoder Side Information


[supplementary material] 


Meta-Sim2: Unsupervised Learning of Scene Structure for Synthetic Data Generation


[supplementary material] 


A Generic Visualization Approach for Convolutional Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


Interactive Annotation of 3D Object Geometry using 2D Scribbles


[supplementary material] 


Hierarchical Kinematic Human Mesh Recovery


[supplementary material] 


Multi-Loss Rebalancing Algorithm for Monocular Depth Estimation


[supplementary material] 


3D Bird Reconstruction: a Dataset, Model, and Shape Recovery from a Single View


[supplementary material] 


We Have So Much In Common: Modeling Semantic Relational Set Abstractions in Videos


[supplementary material] 


Joint Optimization for Multi-Person Shape Models from Markerless 3D-Scans


[supplementary material] 


Accurate RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Collaborative Learning




Finding Your (3D) Center: 3D Object Detection Using a Learned Loss


[supplementary material] 


Collaborative Training between Region Proposal Localization and Classification for Domain Adaptive Object Detection




Two Stream Active Query Suggestion for Active Learning in Connectomics


[supplementary material] 


Pix2Surf: Learning Parametric 3D Surface Models of Objects from Images


[supplementary material] 


6D Camera Relocalization in Ambiguous Scenes via Continuous Multimodal Inference


[supplementary material] 


Modeling Artistic Workflows for Image Generation and Editing


[supplementary material] 


A Large-scale Annotated Mechanical Components Benchmark for Classification and Retrieval Tasks with Deep Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


Hidden Footprints: Learning Contextual Walkability from 3D Human Trails


[supplementary material] 


Self-Supervised Learning of Audio-Visual Objects from Video


[supplementary material] 


GAN-based Garment Generation Using Sewing Pattern Images


[supplementary material] 


Style Transfer for Co-Speech Gesture Animation: A Multi-Speaker Conditional-Mixture Approach


[supplementary material] 


An LSTM Approach to Temporal 3D Object Detection in LiDAR Point Clouds


[supplementary material] 


Monotonicity Prior for Cloud Tomography


[supplementary material] 


Learning Trailer Moments in Full-Length Movies with Co-Contrastive Attention


[supplementary material] 


Preserving Semantic Neighborhoods for Robust Cross-modal Retrieval




Large-scale Pretraining for Visual Dialog: A Simple State-of-the-Art Baseline


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions without Localization Supervision


[supplementary material] 


Neural Hair Rendering


[supplementary material] 


JNR: Joint-based Neural Rig Representation for Compact 3D Face Modeling


[supplementary material] 


On Disentangling Spoof Trace for Generic Face Anti-Spoofing


[supplementary material] 


Streaming Object Detection for 3-D Point Clouds


[supplementary material] 


NAS-DIP: Learning Deep Image Prior with Neural Architecture Search


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Learn in a Semi-Supervised Fashion


[supplementary material] 


FeatMatch: Feature-Based Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Learning


[supplementary material] 


RadarNet: Exploiting Radar for Robust Perception of Dynamic Objects


[supplementary material] 


Seeing the Un-Scene: Learning Amodal Semantic Maps for Room Navigation


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Separate: Detecting Heavily-Occluded Objects in Urban Scenes




Towards causal benchmarking of bias in face analysis algorithms


[supplementary material] 


Learning and Memorizing Representative Prototypes for 3D Point Cloud Semantic and Instance Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Knowledge-Based Video Question Answering with Unsupervised Scene Descriptions


[supplementary material] 


Transformation Consistency Regularization – A Semi-Supervised Paradigm for Image-to-Image Translation


[supplementary material] 


LIRA: Lifelong Image Restoration from Unknown Blended Distortions


[supplementary material] 


HDNet: Human Depth Estimation for Multi-Person Camera-Space Localization




SOLO: Segmenting Objects by Locations


[supplementary material] 


Learning to See in the Dark with Events


[supplementary material] 


Trajectron++: Dynamically-Feasible Trajectory Forecasting With Heterogeneous Data


[supplementary material] 


Context-Gated Convolution


[supplementary material] 


Polynomial Regression Network for Variable-Number Lane Detection


[supplementary material] 


Structural Deep Metric Learning for Room Layout Estimation




Adaptive Task Sampling for Meta-Learning


[supplementary material] 


Deep Complementary Joint Model for Complex Scene Registration and Few-shot Segmentation on Medical Images




Improving Multispectral Pedestrian Detection by Addressing Modality Imbalance Problems


[supplementary material] 


High-Resolution Image Inpainting with Iterative Confidence Feedback and Guided Upsampling


[supplementary material] 


Online Ensemble Model Compression using Knowledge Distillation




Deep Learning-based Pupil Center Detection for Fast and Accurate Eye Tracking System


[supplementary material] 


Efficient Residue Number System Based Winograd Convolution


[supplementary material] 


Robust Tracking against Adversarial Attacks


[supplementary material] 


Single-Shot Neural Relighting and SVBRDF Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Representation with Viewpoint and Pose Disentanglement


[supplementary material] 


Angle-based Search Space Shrinking for Neural Architecture Search


[supplementary material] 


RobustScanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for Robust Text Recognition


[supplementary material] 


Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment


[supplementary material] 


Iterative Feature Transformation for Fast and Versatile Universal Style Transfer


[supplementary material] 


CATCH: Context-based Meta Reinforcement Learning for Transferrable Architecture Search


[supplementary material] 


Toward Faster and Simpler Matrix Normalization via Rank-1 Update


[supplementary material] 


Accurate Polarimetric BRDF for Real Polarization Scene Rendering


[supplementary material] 


Lensless Imaging with Focusing Sparse URA Masks in Long-Wave Infrared and its Application for Human Detection


[supplementary material] 


Topology-Preserving Class-Incremental Learning




Inter-Image Communication for Weakly Supervised Localization




UFO²: A Unified Framework towards Omni-supervised Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


iCaps: An Interpretable Classifier via Disentangled Capsule Networks


[supplementary material] 


Detecting Natural Disasters, Damage, and Incidents in the Wild


[supplementary material] 


Dynamic ReLU


[supplementary material] 


Acquiring Dynamic Light Fields through Coded Aperture Camera


[supplementary material] 


Gait Recognition from a Single Image using a Phase-Aware Gait Cycle Reconstruction Network


[supplementary material] 


Informative Sample Mining Network for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation


[supplementary material] 


Spherical Feature Transform for Deep Metric Learning


[supplementary material] 


Semantic Equivalent Adversarial Data Augmentation for Visual Question Answering


[supplementary material] 


Unsupervised Multi-View CNN for Salient View Selection of 3D Objects and Scenes


[supplementary material] 


Representation Sharing for Fast Object Detector Search and Beyond


[supplementary material] 


Peeking into occluded joints: A novel framework for crowd pose estimation


[supplementary material] 


RubiksNet: Learnable 3D-Shift for Efficient Video Action Recognition


[supplementary material] 


Deep Hashing with Active Pairwise Supervision


[supplementary material] 


Graph Edit Distance Reward: Learning to Edit Scene Graph




Malleable 2.5D Convolution: Learning Receptive Fields along the Depth-axis for RGB-D Scene Parsing


[supplementary material] 


Feature-metric Loss for Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Egomotion




Propagating Over Phrase Relations for One-Stage Visual Grounding




Adversarial Semantic Data Augmentation for Human Pose Estimation




Free View Synthesis


[supplementary material] 


Face Anti-Spoofing via Disentangled Representation Learning


[supplementary material] 


Prime-Aware Adaptive Distillation




Meta-Learning with Network Pruning


[supplementary material] 


Spiral Generative Network for Image Extrapolation


[supplementary material] 


SceneSketcher: Fine-Grained Image Retrieval with Scene Sketches


[supplementary material] 


Few-shot Compositional Font Generation with Dual Memory


[supplementary material] 


PUGeo-Net: A Geometry-centric Network for 3D Point Cloud Upsampling


[supplementary material] 


Handcrafted Outlier Detection Revisited


[supplementary material] 


The Average Mixing Kernel Signature


[supplementary material] 


BCNet: Learning Body and Cloth Shape from A Single Image


[supplementary material] 


Self-supervised Keypoint Correspondences for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking in Videos


[supplementary material] 


Interactive Multi-Dimension Modulation with Dynamic Controllable Residual Learning for Image Restoration


[supplementary material] 


Polysemy Deciphering Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection


[supplementary material] 


PODNet: Pooled Outputs Distillation for Small-Tasks Incremental Learning


[supplementary material] 


Learning Graph-Convolutional Representations for Point Cloud Denoising




Semantic Line Detection Using Mirror Attention and Comparative Ranking and Matching


[supplementary material] 


A Differentiable Recurrent Surface for Asynchronous Event-Based Data


[supplementary material] 


Fine-Grained Visual Classification via Progressive Multi-Granularity Training of Jigsaw Patches


[supplementary material] 


LiteFlowNet3: Resolving Correspondence Ambiguity for More Accurate Optical Flow Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Microscopy Image Restoration with Deep Wiener-Kolmogorov Filters


[supplementary material] 


ScanRefer: 3D Object Localization in RGB-D Scans using Natural Language


[supplementary material] 


JSENet: Joint Semantic Segmentation and Edge Detection Network for 3D Point Clouds


[supplementary material] 


Motion-Excited Sampler: Video Adversarial Attack with Sparked Prior


[supplementary material] 


An Inference Algorithm for Multi-Label MRF-MAP Problems with Clique Size 100


[supplementary material] 


Dual Refinement Underwater Object Detection Network




Multiple Sound Sources Localization from Coarse to Fine


[supplementary material] 


Task-Aware Quantization Network for JPEG Image Compression


[supplementary material] 


Energy-Based Models for Deep Probabilistic Regression


[supplementary material] 


CLOTH3D: Clothed 3D Humans


[supplementary material] 


Encoding Structure-Texture Relation with P-Net for Anomaly Detection in Retinal Images


[supplementary material] 


CLNet: A Compact Latent Network for Fast Adjusting Siamese Trackers




Occlusion-Aware Siamese Network for Human Pose Estimation




Learning to Predict Salient Faces: A Novel Visual-Audio Saliency Model


[supplementary material] 


NormalGAN: Learning Detailed 3D Human from a Single RGB-D Image


[supplementary material] 


Model-based occlusion disentanglement for image-to-image translation


[supplementary material] 


Rotation-robust Intersection over Union for 3D Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


New Threats against Object Detector with Non-local Block


[supplementary material] 


Self-Supervised CycleGAN for Object-Preserving Image-to-Image Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


On the Usage of the Trifocal Tensor in Motion Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


3D-Rotation-Equivariant Quaternion Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


InterHand2.6M: A Dataset and Baseline for 3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image


[supplementary material] 


Active Crowd Counting with Limited Supervision


[supplementary material] 


Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation: Solving the Dynamic Object Problem by Semantic Guidance


[supplementary material] 


Hierarchical Visual-Textual Graph for Temporal Activity Localization via Language


[supplementary material] 


Do Not Mask What You Do Not Need to Mask: a Parser-Free Virtual Try-On


[supplementary material] 


NODIS: Neural Ordinary Differential Scene Understanding


[supplementary material] 


AssembleNet++: Assembling Modality Representations via Attention Connections - Supplementary Material -


[supplementary material] 


Learning Propagation Rules for Attribution Map Generation


[supplementary material] 


Reparameterizing Convolutions for Incremental Multi-Task Learning without Task Interference


[supplementary material] 


Learning Predictive Models from Observation and Interaction


[supplementary material] 


Unifying Deep Local and Global Features for Image Search


[supplementary material] 


Human Body Model Fitting by Learned Gradient Descent


[supplementary material] 


DDGCN: A Dynamic Directed Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition


[supplementary material] 


Learning latent representations across multiple data domains using Lifelong VAEGAN


[supplementary material] 


DVI: Depth Guided Video Inpainting for Autonomous Driving


[supplementary material] 


Incorporating Reinforced Adversarial Learning in Autoregressive Image Generation


[supplementary material] 


APRICOT: A Dataset of Physical Adversarial Attacks on Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Visual Question Answering on Image Sets


[supplementary material] 


Object as Hotspots: An Anchor-Free 3D Object Detection Approach via Firing of Hotspots


[supplementary material] 


Placepedia: Comprehensive Place Understanding with Multi-Faceted Annotations


[supplementary material] 


DELTAS: Depth Estimation by Learning Triangulation And densification of Sparse points


[supplementary material] 


Dynamic Low-light Imaging with Quanta Image Sensors


[supplementary material] 


Disambiguating Monocular Depth Estimation with a Single Transient


[supplementary material] 


DSDNet: Deep Structured self-Driving Network


[supplementary material] 


QuEST: Quantized Embedding Space for Transferring Knowledge


[supplementary material] 


EGDCL: An Adaptive Curriculum Learning Framework for Unbiased Glaucoma Diagnosis




Backpropagated Gradient Representations for Anomaly Detection


[supplementary material] 


Dense RepPoints: Representing Visual Objects with Dense Point Sets


[supplementary material] 


On Dropping Clusters to Regularize Graph Convolutional Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


Adaptive Video Highlight Detection by Learning from User History




Improving 3D Object Detection through Progressive Population Based Augmentation


[supplementary material] 


DR-KFS: A Differentiable Visual Similarity Metric for 3D Shape Reconstruction


[supplementary material] 


SPAN: Spatial Pyramid Attention Network for Image Manipulation Localization


[supplementary material] 


Adversarial Learning for Zero-shot Domain Adaptation




YOLO in the Dark - Domain Adaptation Method for Merging Multiple Models -




Identity-Aware Multi-Sentence Video Description


[supplementary material] 


VQA-LOL: Visual Question Answering under the Lens of Logic


[supplementary material] 


Piggyback GAN: Efficient Lifelong Learning for Image Conditioned Generation




TRRNet: Tiered Relation Reasoning for Compositional Visual Question Answering




Mining Inter-Video Proposal Relations for Video Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


TVR: A Large-Scale Dataset for Video-Subtitle Moment Retrieval


[supplementary material] 


Minimum Class Confusion for Versatile Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


Large Batch Optimization for Object Detection: Training COCO in 12 Minutes




Towards Practical and Efficient High-Resolution HDR Deghosting with CNN


[supplementary material] 


Monocular Differentiable Rendering for Self-Supervised 3D Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Shape Prior Deformation for Categorical 6D Object Pose and Size Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Dynamic and Static Context-aware LSTM for Multi-agent Motion Prediction


[supplementary material] 


Image-based table recognition: data, model, and evaluation


[supplementary material] 


Group Activity Prediction with Sequential Relational Anticipation Model




PiP: Planning-informed Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving


[supplementary material] 


PSConv: Squeezing Feature Pyramid into One Compact Poly-Scale Convolutional Layer


[supplementary material] 


Hierarchical Context Embedding for Region-based Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Attention-Driven Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-Label Image Recognition


[supplementary material] 


Gen-LaneNet: A Generalized and Scalable Approach for 3D Lane Detection


[supplementary material] 


Sparse-to-Dense Depth Completion Revisited: Sampling Strategy and Graph Construction


[supplementary material] 


MEAD: A Large-scale Audio-visual Dataset for Emotional Talking-face Generation


[supplementary material] 


Detecting Human-Object Interactions with Action Co-occurrence Priors


[supplementary material] 


Learning Connectivity of Neural Networks from a Topological Perspective




JSTASR: Joint Size and Transparency-Aware Snow Removal Algorithm Based on Modified Partial Convolution and Veiling Effect Removal


[supplementary material] 


Ocean: Object-aware Anchor-free Tracking


[supplementary material] 


Object Tracking using Spatio-Temporal Networks for Future Prediction Location




Pillar-based Object Detection for Autonomous Driving


[supplementary material] 


Sparse Adversarial Attack via Perturbation Factorization


[supplementary material] 


3D Scene Reconstruction from a Single Viewport


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Optimize Domain Specific Normalization for Domain Generalization


[supplementary material] 


Self-supervised Outdoor Scene Relighting


[supplementary material] 


Privacy Preserving Visual SLAM


[supplementary material] 


Leveraging Acoustic Images for Effective Self-Supervised Audio Representation Learning


[supplementary material] 


Learning Joint Visual Semantic Matching Embeddings for Language-guided Retrieval




Globally Optimal and Efficient Vanishing Point Estimation in Atlanta World


[supplementary material] 


StyleGAN2 Distillation for Feed-forward Image Manipulation


[supplementary material] 


Self-Prediction for Joint Instance and Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds




Learning Disentangled Representations via Mutual Information Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Challenge-Aware RGBT Tracking




Fully Trainable and Interpretable Non-Local Sparse Models for Image Restoration


[supplementary material] 


AutoSimulate: (Quickly) Learning Synthetic Data Generation


[supplementary material] 


LatticeNet: Towards Lightweight Image Super-resolution with Lattice Block




Learning from Scale-Invariant Examples for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Active Visual Information Gathering for Vision-Language Navigation


[supplementary material] 


Deep Hough-Transform Line Priors


[supplementary material] 


Unsupervised Shape and Pose Disentanglement for 3D Meshes


[supplementary material] 


CLAWS: Clustering Assisted Weakly Supervised Learning with Normalcy Suppression for Anomalous Event Detection


[supplementary material] 


Inclusive GAN: Improving Data and Minority Coverage in Generative Models


[supplementary material] 


SESAME: Semantic Editing of Scenes by Adding, Manipulating or Erasing Objects


[supplementary material] 


Dive Deeper Into Box for Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


PG-Net: Pixel to Global Matching Network for Visual Tracking


[supplementary material] 


Why Are Deep Representations Good Perceptual Quality Features?


[supplementary material] 


Geometric Estimation via Robust Subspace Recovery




Latent Embedding Feedback and Discriminative Features for Zero-Shot Classification


[supplementary material] 


Human Correspondence Consensus for 3D Object Semantic Understanding


[supplementary material] 


Learning Memory Augmented Cascading Network for Compressed Sensing of Images




Least squares surface reconstruction on arbitrary domains


[supplementary material] 


Task-conditioned Domain Adaptation for Pedestrian Detection in Thermal Imagery




Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Examples with Resized-Diverse-Inputs, Diversity-Ensemble and Region Fitting


[supplementary material] 


DADA: Differentiable Automatic Data Augmentation




SceneCAD: Predicting Object Alignments and Layouts in RGB-D Scans


[supplementary material] 


Kinship Identification through Joint Learning using Kinship Verification Ensembles


[supplementary material] 


Kernelized Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


A Single Stream Network for Robust and Real-time RGB-D Salient Object Detection




Splitting vs. Merging: Mining Object Regions with Discrepancy and Intersection Loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation




Temporal Keypoint Matching and Refinement Network for Pose Estimation and Tracking


[supplementary material] 


Neural Point-Based Graphics


[supplementary material] 


FHDe²Net: Full High Definition Demoireing Network


[supplementary material] 


Learning Structural Similarity of User Interface Layouts using Graph Networks


[supplementary material] 


NAS-Count: Counting-by-Density with Neural Architecture Search


[supplementary material] 


Towards Generalization Across Depth for Monocular 3D Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Margin-Mix: Semi–Supervised Learning for Face Expression Recognition


[supplementary material] 


Principal Feature Visualisation in Convolutional Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


Progressive Refinement Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection


[supplementary material] 


Monocular Real-Time Volumetric Performance Capture


[supplementary material] 


The Mapillary Traffic Sign Dataset for Detection and Classification on a Global Scale


[supplementary material] 


Measuring Generalisation to Unseen Viewpoints, Articulations, Shapes and Objects for 3D Hand Pose Estimation under Hand-Object Interaction


[supplementary material] 


Disentangling Multiple Features in Video Sequences using Gaussian Processes in Variational Autoencoders


[supplementary material] 


SEN: A Novel Feature Normalization Dissimilarity Measure for Prototypical Few-Shot Learning Networks


[supplementary material] 


Kinematic 3D Object Detection in Monocular Video


[supplementary material] 


Describing Unseen Videos via Multi-Modal Cooperative Dialog Agents


[supplementary material] 


SACA Net: Cybersickness Assessment of Individual Viewers for VR Content via Graph-based Symptom Relation Embedding


[supplementary material] 


End-to-End Low Cost Compressive Spectral Imaging with Spatial-Spectral Self-Attention


[supplementary material] 


Know Your Surroundings: Exploiting Scene Information for Object Tracking


[supplementary material] 


Practical Detection of Trojan Neural Networks: Data-Limited and Data-Free Cases


[supplementary material] 


Anatomy-Aware Siamese Network: Exploiting Semantic Asymmetry for Accurate Pelvic Fracture Detection in X-ray Images




DeepLandscape: Adversarial Modeling of Landscape Videos


[supplementary material] 


GANwriting: Content-Conditioned Generation of Styled Handwritten Word Images


[supplementary material] 


Spatial-Angular Interaction for Light Field Image Super-Resolution


[supplementary material] 


BATS: Binary ArchitecTure Search


[supplementary material] 


A Closer Look at Local Aggregation Operators in Point Cloud Analysis


[supplementary material] 


Look here! A parametric learning based approach to redirect visual attention


[supplementary material] 


Variational Diffusion Autoencoders with Random Walk Sampling


[supplementary material] 


Adaptive Variance Based Label Distribution Learning For Facial Age Estimation




Connecting the Dots: Detecting Adversarial Perturbations Using Context Inconsistency


[supplementary material] 


Perceive, Predict, and Plan: Safe Motion Planning Through Interpretable Semantic Representations


[supplementary material] 


VarSR: Variational Super-Resolution Network for Very Low Resolution Images


[supplementary material] 


Co-Heterogeneous and Adaptive Segmentation from Multi-Source and Multi-Phase CT Imaging Data: A Study on Pathological Liver and Lesion Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Towards Recognizing Unseen Categories in Unseen Domains


[supplementary material] 


Square Attack: a query-efficient black-box adversarial attack via random search


[supplementary material] 


You Are Here: Geolocation by Embedding Maps and Images


[supplementary material] 


Segmentations-Leak: Membership Inference Attacks and Defenses in Semantic Image Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


From Image to Stability: Learning Dynamics from Human Pose


[supplementary material] 


LevelSet R-CNN: A Deep Variational Method for Instance Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Efficient Scale-Permuted Backbone with Learned Resource Distribution


[supplementary material] 


Reducing Distributional Uncertainty by Mutual Information Maximisation and Transferable Feature Learning


[supplementary material] 


Bridging Knowledge Graphs to Generate Scene Graphs


[supplementary material] 


Implicit Latent Variable Model for Scene-Consistent Motion Forecasting


[supplementary material] 


Learning Visual Commonsense for Robust Scene Graph Generation


[supplementary material] 


MPCC: Matching Priors and Conditionals for Clustering


[supplementary material] 


PointAR: Efficient Lighting Estimation for Mobile Augmented Reality




Discrete Point Flow Networks for Efficient Point Cloud Generation


[supplementary material] 


Accelerating Deep Learning with Millions of Classes


[supplementary material] 


Password-conditioned Anonymization and Deanonymization with Face Identity Transformers


[supplementary material] 


Inertial Safety from Structured Light


[supplementary material] 


PointTriNet: Learned Triangulation of 3D Point Sets


[supplementary material] 


Toward Unsupervised, Multi-Object Discovery in Large-Scale Image Collections


[supplementary material] 


Deep Novel View Synthesis from Colored 3D Point Clouds


[supplementary material] 


Consensus-Aware Visual-Semantic Embedding for Image-Text Matching




Spatial Hierarchy Aware Residual Pyramid Network for Time-of-Flight Depth Denoising


[supplementary material] 


Sat2Graph: Road Graph Extraction through Graph-Tensor Encoding




Cross-Task Transfer for Geotagged Audiovisual Aerial Scene Recognition




Polarimetric Multi-View Inverse Rendering


[supplementary material] 


SideInfNet: A Deep Neural Network for Semi-Automatic Semantic Segmentation with Side Information


[supplementary material] 


Improving Face Recognition by Clustering Unlabeled Faces in the Wild


[supplementary material] 


NeuRoRA: Neural Robust Rotation Averaging


[supplementary material] 


SG-VAE: Scene Grammar Variational Autoencoder to generate new indoor scenes


[supplementary material] 


Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow with Deep Feature Similarity




Blended Grammar Network for Human Parsing




P²Net: Patch-match and Plane-regularization for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Efficient Attention Mechanism for Visual Dialog that can Handle All the Interactions between Multiple Inputs


[supplementary material] 


Adaptive Mixture Regression Network with Local Counting Map for Crowd Counting


[supplementary material] 


BIRNAT: Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks with Adversarial Training for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging


[supplementary material] 


Ultra Fast Structure-aware Deep Lane Detection


[supplementary material] 


Cross-Identity Motion Transfer for Arbitrary Objects through Pose-Attentive Video Reassembling


[supplementary material] 


Domain Adaptive Object Detection via Asymmetric Tri-way Faster-RCNN




Exclusivity-Consistency Regularized Knowledge Distillation for Face Recognition




Learning Camera-Aware Noise Models


[supplementary material] 


Towards Precise Completion of Deformable Shapes


[supplementary material] 


Iterative Distance-Aware Similarity Matrix Convolution with Mutual-Supervised Point Elimination for Efficient Point Cloud Registration


[supplementary material] 


Pairwise Similarity Knowledge Transfer for Weakly Supervised Object Localization


[supplementary material] 


Environment-agnostic Multitask Learning for Natural Language Grounded Navigation


[supplementary material] 


TPFN: Applying Outer Product along Time to Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Fusion on Incomplete Data


[supplementary material] 


ProxyNCA++: Revisiting and Revitalizing Proxy Neighborhood Component Analysis


[supplementary material] 


Learning with Privileged Information for Efficient Image Super-Resolution


[supplementary material] 


Joint Visual and Temporal Consistency for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification




Autoencoder-based Graph Construction for Semi-supervised Learning


[supplementary material] 


Virtual Multi-view Fusion for 3D Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Decoupling GCN with DropGraph Module for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition


[supplementary material] 


Deep Shape from Polarization


[supplementary material] 


A Boundary Based Out-of-Distribution Classifier for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning




Mind the Discriminability: Asymmetric Adversarial Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


SeqXY2SeqZ: Structure Learning for 3D Shapes by Sequentially Predicting 1D Occupancy Segments From 2D Coordinates


[supplementary material] 


Simultaneous Detection and Tracking with Motion Modelling for Multiple Object Tracking


[supplementary material] 


Deep FusionNet for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Deep Material Recognition in Light-Fields via Disentanglement of Spatial and Angular Information


[supplementary material] 


Dual Adversarial Network for Deep Active Learning




Fully Convolutional Networks for Continuous Sign Language Recognition


[supplementary material] 


Self-adapting confidence estimation for stereo


[supplementary material] 


Deep Surface Normal Estimation on the 2-Sphere with Confidence Guided Semantic Attention


[supplementary material] 


AutoSTR: Efficient Backbone Search for Scene Text Recognition




Mitigating Embedding and Class Assignment Mismatch in Unsupervised Image Classification


[supplementary material] 


Adversarial Training with Bi-directional Likelihood Regularization for Visual Classification


[supplementary material] 


Faster AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies Using Backpropagation




Hand-Transformer: Non-Autoregressive Structured Modeling for 3D Hand Pose Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Boundary-Aware Cascade Networks for Temporal Action Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Towards Content-Independent Multi-Reference Super-Resolution: Adaptive Pattern Matching and Feature Aggregation


[supplementary material] 


Inference Graphs for CNN Interpretation


[supplementary material] 


An End-to-End OCR Text Re-organization Sequence Learning for Rich-text Detail Image Comprehension




Improving Query Efficiency of Black-box Adversarial Attack


[supplementary material] 


Self-similarity Student for Partial Label Histopathology Image Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


BioMetricNet: deep unconstrained face verification through learning of metrics regularized onto Gaussian distributions




A Decoupled Learning Scheme for Real-world Burst Denoising from Raw Images


[supplementary material] 


Global-and-Local Relative Position Embedding for Unsupervised Video Summarization


[supplementary material] 


Real-World Blur Dataset for Learning and Benchmarking Deblurring Algorithms


[supplementary material] 


SPARK: Spatial-aware Online Incremental Attack Against Visual Tracking


[supplementary material] 


CenterNet Heatmap Propagation for Real-time Video Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Hierarchical Dynamic Filtering Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


SOLAR: Second-Order Loss and Attention for Image Retrieval


[supplementary material] 


Fixing Localization Errors to Improve Image Classification




PatchPerPix for Instance Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Attend and Segment: Attention Guided Active Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Accelerating CNN Training by Pruning Activation Gradients


[supplementary material] 


Global and Local Enhancement Networks for Paired and Unpaired Image Enhancement


[supplementary material] 


Probabilistic Anchor Assignment with IoU Prediction for Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Eyeglasses 3D shape reconstruction from a single face image


[supplementary material] 


Temporal Complementary Learning for Video Person Re-Identification




HoughNet: Integrating near and long-range evidence for bottom-up object detection


[supplementary material] 


Graph Wasserstein Correlation Analysis for Movie Retrieval


[supplementary material] 


Context-Aware RCNN: A Baseline for Action Detection in Videos




Full-Time Monocular Road Detection Using Zero-Distribution Prior of Angle of Polarization


[supplementary material] 


A Flexible Recurrent Residual Pyramid Network for Video Frame Interpolation


[supplementary material] 


Learning Enriched Features for Real Image Restoration and Enhancement


[supplementary material] 


Detail Preserved Point Cloud Completion via Separated Feature Aggregation


[supplementary material] 


LabelEnc: A New Intermediate Supervision Method for Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


Unsupervised Learning of Category-Specific Symmetric 3D Keypoints from Point Sets


[supplementary material] 


PAMS: Quantized Super-Resolution via Parameterized Max Scale




SSN: Shape Signature Networks for Multi-class Object Detection from Point Clouds


[supplementary material] 


OID: Outlier Identifying and Discarding in Blind Image Deblurring


[supplementary material] 


Few-Shot Single-View 3-D Object Reconstruction with Compositional Priors


[supplementary material] 


Enhanced Sparse Model for Blind Deblurring


[supplementary material] 


SumGraph: Video Summarization via Recursive Graph Modeling


[supplementary material] 


Feature Normalized Knowledge Distillation for Image Classification




A Metric Learning Reality Check


[supplementary material] 


FTL: A universal framework for training low-bit DNNs via Feature Transfer




XingGAN for Person Image Generation


[supplementary material] 


GATCluster: Self-Supervised Gaussian-Attention Network for Image Clustering


[supplementary material] 


VCNet: A Robust Approach to Blind Image Inpainting


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Predict Context-adaptive Convolution for Semantic Segmentation




EfficientFCN: Holistically-guided Decoding for Semantic Segmentation




GroSS: Group-Size Series Decomposition for Grouped Architecture Search


[supplementary material] 


Efficient Adversarial Attacks for Visual Object Tracking


[supplementary material] 


Globally-Optimal Event Camera Motion Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Weakly-supervised Learning of Human Dynamics


[supplementary material] 


Journey Towards Tiny Perceptual Super-Resolution


[supplementary material] 


What makes fake images detectable? Understanding properties that generalize


[supplementary material] 


Embedding Propagation: Smoother Manifold for Few-Shot Classification


[supplementary material] 


Category Level Object Pose Estimation via Neural Analysis-by-Synthesis


[supplementary material] 


High-Fidelity Synthesis with Disentangled Representation


[supplementary material] 


PL₁P - Point-line Minimal Problems under Partial Visibility in Three Views


[supplementary material] 


Prediction and Recovery for Adaptive Low-Resolution Person Re-Identification


[supplementary material] 


Learning Canonical Representations for Scene Graph to Image Generation


[supplementary material] 


Adversarial Robustness on In- and Out-Distribution Improves Explainability


[supplementary material] 


Deformable Style Transfer


[supplementary material] 


Aligning Videos in Space and Time


[supplementary material] 


Neural Wireframe Renderer: Learning Wireframe to Image Translations


[supplementary material] 


RBF-Softmax: Learning Deep Representative Prototypes with Radial Basis Function Softmax




Testing the Safety of Self-driving Vehicles by Simulating Perception and Prediction


[supplementary material] 


Determining the Relevance of Features for Deep Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Exploration




GANHopper: Multi-Hop GAN for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation


[supplementary material] 


DOPE: Distillation Of Part Experts for whole-body 3D pose estimation in the wild




Multi-view adaptive graph convolutions for graph classification




Instance Adaptive Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


Weight Decay Scheduling and Knowledge Distillation for Active Learning




HMQ: Hardware Friendly Mixed Precision Quantization Block for CNNs




Truncated Inference for Latent Variable Optimization Problems: Application to Robust Estimation and Learning


[supplementary material] 


Geometry Constrained Weakly Supervised Object Localization


[supplementary material] 


Duality Diagram Similarity: a generic framework for initialization selection in task transfer learning


[supplementary material] 


OneGAN: Simultaneous Unsupervised Learning of Conditional Image Generation, Foreground Segmentation, and Fine-Grained Clustering


[supplementary material] 


Mining self-similarity: Label super-resolution with epitomic representations


[supplementary material] 


AE-OT-GAN: Training GANs from data specific latent distribution


[supplementary material] 


Null-sampling for Interpretable and Fair Representations


[supplementary material] 


Guiding Monocular Depth Estimation Using Depth-Attention Volume


[supplementary material] 


Tracking Emerges by Looking Around Static Scenes, with Neural 3D Mapping


[supplementary material] 


Boosting Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Progressive Knowledge Transfer


[supplementary material] 


BézierSketch: A generative model for scalable vector sketches


[supplementary material] 


Semantic Relation Preserving Knowledge Distillation for Image-to-Image Translation


[supplementary material] 


Domain Adaptation Through Task Distillation


[supplementary material] 


PatchAttack: A Black-box Texture-based Attack with Reinforcement Learning


[supplementary material] 


More Classifiers, Less Forgetting: A Generic Multi-classifier Paradigm for Incremental Learning


[supplementary material] 


Extending and Analyzing Self-Supervised Learning Across Domains


[supplementary material] 


Multi-Source Open-Set Deep Adversarial Domain Adaptation


[supplementary material] 


Neural Batch Sampling with Reinforcement Learning for Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection


[supplementary material] 


LEMMA: A Multi-view Dataset for LEarning Multi-agent Multi-task Activities


[supplementary material] 


Teaching Cameras to Feel: Estimating Tactile Physical Properties of Surfaces From Images




Accurate Optimization of Weighted Nuclear Norm for Non-Rigid Structure from Motion


[supplementary material] 


Proposal-based Video Completion


[supplementary material] 


HGNet: Hybrid Generative Network for Zero-shot Domain Adaptation




Beyond Monocular Deraining: Stereo Image Deraining via Semantic Understanding




DBQ: A Differentiable Branch Quantizer for Lightweight Deep Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


All at Once: Temporally Adaptive Multi-Frame Interpolation with Advanced Motion Modeling


[supplementary material] 


A Broader Study of Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning


[supplementary material] 


Practical Poisoning Attacks on Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in the Dissimilarity Space for Person Re-identification




Learn distributed GAN with Temporary Discriminators


[supplementary material] 


SemifreddoNets: Partially Frozen Neural Networks for Efficient Computer Vision Systems




Improving Adversarial Robustness by Enforcing Local and Global Compactness


[supplementary material] 


TopoAL: An Adversarial Learning Approach for Topology-Aware Road Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Channel selection using Gumbel Softmax


[supplementary material] 


Exploiting Temporal Coherence for Self-Supervised One-shot Video Re-identification


[supplementary material] 


An Efficient Training Framework for Reversible Neural Architectures




Box2Seg: Attention Weighted Loss and Discriminative Feature Learning for Weakly Supervised Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


FreeCam3D: Snapshot Structured Light 3D with Freely-Moving Cameras


[supplementary material] 


One-Pixel Signature: Characterizing CNN Models for Backdoor Detection




Learning to Transfer Learn: Reinforcement Learning-Based Selection for Adaptive Transfer Learning


[supplementary material] 


Structure-Aware Generation Network for Recipe Generation from Images




A Simple and Effective Framework for Pairwise Deep Metric Learning


[supplementary material] 


Meta-rPPG: Remote Heart Rate Estimation Using a Transductive Meta-Learner


[supplementary material] 


A Recurrent Transformer Network for Novel View Action Synthesis


[supplementary material] 


Multi-view Action Recognition using Cross-view Video Prediction


[supplementary material] 


Learning Discriminative Feature with CRF for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation




SMART: Simultaneous Multi-Agent Recurrent Trajectory Prediction


[supplementary material] 


Label-Driven Reconstruction for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Efficient Outdoor 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation for Critical Road Objects and Distributed Contexts




Attributional Robustness Training using Input-Gradient Spatial Alignment


[supplementary material] 


Reducing the Sim-to-Real Gap for Event Cameras


[supplementary material] 


Spatial Geometric Reasoning for Room Layout Estimation via Deep Reinforcement Learning




Learning Data Augmentation Strategies for Object Detection


[supplementary material] 


DA-NAS: Data Adapted Pruning for Efficient Neural Architecture Search




A Closer Look at Generalisation in RAVEN


[supplementary material] 


Supervised Edge Attention Network for Accurate Image Instance Segmentation




Discriminative Partial Domain Adversarial Network


[supplementary material] 


Differentiable Programming for Hyperspectral Unmixing using a Physics-based Dispersion Model


[supplementary material] 


Deep Cross-species Feature Learning for Animal Face Recognition via Residual Interspecies Equivariant Network




Guidance and Evaluation: Semantic-Aware Image Inpainting for Mixed Scenes


[supplementary material] 


Sound2Sight: Generating Visual Dynamics from Sound and Context


[supplementary material] 


3D-CVF: Generating Joint Camera and LiDAR Features Using Cross-View Spatial Feature Fusion for 3D Object Detection




NoiseRank: Unsupervised Label Noise Reduction with Dependence Models




Fast Adaptation to Super-Resolution Networks via Meta-Learning




TP-LSD: Tri-Points Based Line Segment Detector


[supplementary material] 


SqueezeSegV3: Spatially-Adaptive Convolution for Efficient Point-Cloud Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


An Attention-driven Two-stage Clustering Method for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification


[supplementary material] 


Toward Fine-grained Facial Expression Manipulation




Adaptive Object Detection with Dual Multi-Label Prediction




Table Structure Recognition using Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cues


[supplementary material] 


Novel View Synthesis on Unpaired Data by Conditional Deformable Variational Auto-Encoder


[supplementary material] 


Beyond the Nav-Graph: Vision-and-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments


[supplementary material] 


Boundary Content Graph Neural Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation


[supplementary material] 


Pose Augmentation: Class-agnostic Object Pose Transformation for Object Recognition


[supplementary material] 


VLANet: Video-Language Alignment Network for Weakly-Supervised Video Moment Retrieval




Attention-Based Query Expansion Learning




Interpretable Foreground Object Search As Knowledge Distillation




Improving Knowledge Distillation via Category Structure




High Resolution Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation of Synthetically Rendered Face Images


[supplementary material] 


Attentive Prototype Few-shot Learning with Capsule Network-based Embedding




Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation by Learning Annotation Consistent Instances


[supplementary material] 


DA4AD: End-to-End Deep Attention-based Visual Localization for Autonomous Driving


[supplementary material] 


Visual-Relation Conscious Image Generation from Structured-Text


[supplementary material] 


Patch-wise Attack for Fooling Deep Neural Network


[supplementary material] 


Feature Pyramid Transformer


[supplementary material] 


MABNet: A Lightweight Stereo Network Based on Multibranch Adjustable Bottleneck Module




Guided Saliency Feature Learning for Person Re-identification in Crowded Scenes




Asymmetric Two-Stream Architecture for Accurate RGB-D Saliency Detection




Explaining Image Classifiers using Statistical Fault Localization




Deep Graph Matching via Blackbox Differentiation of Combinatorial Solvers


[supplementary material] 


Learning Video Representations by Transforming Time


[supplementary material] 


Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Night-time Images using Adversarial Domain Feature Adaptation




Variational Connectionist Temporal Classification




End-to-end Dynamic Matching Network for Multi-view Multi-person 3d Pose Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Orderly Disorder in Point Cloud Domain




Deep Decomposition Learning for Inverse Imaging Problems




FLOT: Scene Flow on Point Clouds guided by Optimal Transport


[supplementary material] 


Accurate Reconstruction of Oriented 3D Points using Affine Correspondences


[supplementary material] 


Volumetric Transformer Networks




360(o) Camera Alignment via Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


A Novel Line Integral Transform for 2D Affine-Invariant Shape Retrieval




Explanation-based Weakly-supervised Learning of Visual Relations with Graph Networks


[supplementary material] 


Guided Semantic Flow


[supplementary material] 


Document Structure Extraction using Prior based High Resolution Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Measuring the Importance of Temporal Features in Video Saliency


[supplementary material] 


Searching Efficient 3D Architectures with Sparse Point-Voxel Convolution


[supplementary material] 


Towards Reliable Evaluation of Algorithms for Road Network Reconstruction from Aerial Images


[supplementary material] 


Online Continual Learning under Extreme Memory Constraints


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Cluster under Domain Shift


[supplementary material] 


Defense Against Adversarial Attacks via Controlling Gradient Leaking on Embedded Manifolds


[supplementary material] 


Improving Optical Flow on a Pyramid Level


[supplementary material] 


Procrustean Regression Networks: Learning 3D Structure of Non-Rigid Objects from 2D Annotations


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Learn Parameterized Classification Networks for Scalable Input Images


[supplementary material] 


Stereo Event-based Particle Tracking Velocimetry for 3D Fluid Flow Reconstruction


[supplementary material] 


Simplicial Complex based Point Correspondence between Images warped onto Manifolds


[supplementary material] 


Representation Learning on Visual-Symbolic Graphs for Video Understanding


[supplementary material] 


Distance-Normalized Unified Representation for Monocular 3D Object Detection




Sequential Deformation for Accurate Scene Text Detection




Where to Explore Next? ExHistCNN for History-aware Autonomous 3D Exploration


[supplementary material] 


Semi-Supervised Segmentation based on Error-Correcting Supervision




Quantum-soft QUBO Suppression for Accurate Object Detection




Label-similarity Curriculum Learning


[supplementary material] 


Recurrent Image Annotation With Explicit Inter-Label Dependencies




Cross-Attention in Coupled Unmixing Nets for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Super-Resolution




SimPose: Effectively Learning DensePose and Surface Normals of People from Simulated Data




ByeGlassesGAN: Identity Preserving Eyeglasses Removal for Face Images


[supplementary material] 


Differentiable Joint Pruning and Quantization for Hardware Efficiency




Learning to Generate Customized Dynamic 3D Facial Expressions


[supplementary material] 


LandscapeAR: Large Scale Outdoor Augmented Reality by Matching Photographs with Terrain Models Using Learned Descriptors


[supplementary material] 


Learning Disentangled Feature Representation for Hybrid-distorted Image Restoration




Jointly De-biasing Face Recognition and Demographic Attribute Estimation


[supplementary material] 


Regularized Loss for Weakly Supervised Single Class Semantic Segmentation


[supplementary material] 


Spike-FlowNet: Event-based Optical Flow Estimation with Energy-Efficient Hybrid Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


Forgetting Outside the Box: Scrubbing Deep Networks of Information Accessible from Input-Output Observations


[supplementary material] 


Inherent Adversarial Robustness of Deep Spiking Neural Networks: Effects of Discrete Input Encoding and Non-Linear Activations


[supplementary material] 


Synthesizing Coupled 3D Face Modalities by Trunk-Branch Generative Adversarial Networks


[supplementary material] 


Learning to Learn Words from Visual Scenes


[supplementary material] 


On Transferability of Histological Tissue Labels in Computational Pathology


[supplementary material] 


Learning Actionness via Long-range Temporal Order Verification


[supplementary material] 


Fully Embedding Fast Convolutional Networks on Pixel Processor Arrays


[supplementary material] 


Character Region Attention For Text Spotting




Stable Low-rank Tensor Decomposition for Compression of Convolutional Neural Network




Dual Mixup Regularized Learning for Adversarial Domain Adaptation




Robust and On-the-fly Dataset Denoising for Image Classification


[supplementary material] 


Imaging Behind Occluders Using Two-Bounce Light


[supplementary material] 


Improving Object Detection with Selective Self-Supervised Self-Training


[supplementary material] 


Deep Local Shapes: Learning Local SDF Priors for Detailed 3D Reconstruction


[supplementary material] 


Info3D: Representation Learning on 3D Objects using Mutual Information Maximization and Contrastive Learning


[supplementary material] 


Adversarial Data Augmentation via Deformation Statistics




Neural Predictor for Neural Architecture Search


[supplementary material] 


Learning Permutation Invariant Representations using Memory Networks




Feature Space Augmentation for Long-Tailed Data


[supplementary material] 


Laying the Foundations of Deep Long-Term Crowd Flow Prediction




Weakly-Supervised Action Localization with Expectation-Maximization Multi-Instance Learning




Fairness by Learning Orthogonal Disentangled Representations


[supplementary material] 


Self-supervision with Superpixels: Training Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation without Annotation


[supplementary material] 


On Diverse Asynchronous Activity Anticipation


[supplementary material] 


Representative-Discriminative Learning for Open-set Land Cover Classification of Satellite Imagery


[supplementary material] 


Structure-Aware Human-Action Generation


[supplementary material] 


Towards Efficient Coarse-to-Fine Networks for Action and Gesture Recognition


[supplementary material] 


S³Net: Semantic-Aware Self-supervised Depth Estimation with Monocular Videos and Synthetic Data


[supplementary material] 


Leveraging Seen and Unseen Semantic Relationships for Generative Zero-Shot Learning


[supplementary material] 


Weight Excitation: Built-in Attention Mechanisms in Convolutional Neural Networks


[supplementary material] 


UNITER: UNiversal Image-TExt Representation Learning


[supplementary material] 


Oscar: Object-Semantics Aligned Pre-training for Vision-Language Tasks


[supplementary material] 


Improving Face Recognition from Hard Samples via Distribution Distillation Loss


[supplementary material] 


Extract and Merge: Superpixel Segmentation with Regional Attributes




Spatial-Adaptive Network for Single Image Denoising


[supplementary material] 


Physics-based Feature Dehazing Networks




Learning Surrogates via Deep Embedding




An Asymmetric Modeling for Action Assessment


[supplementary material] 


High-quality Single-model Deep Video Compression with Frame-Conv3D and Multi-frame Differential Modulation


[supplementary material] 


Instance-Aware Embedding for Point Cloud Instance Segmentation




Self-Paced Deep Regression Forests with Consideration on Underrepresented Examples




Manifold Projection for Adversarial Defense on Face Recognition


[supplementary material] 


Weakly Supervised Learning with Side Information for Noisy Labeled Images




Not only Look, but also Listen: Learning Multimodal Violence Detection under Weak Supervision


[supplementary material] 


SNE-RoadSeg: Incorporating Surface Normal Information into Semantic Segmentation for Accurate Freespace Detection


[supplementary material] 


Modeling the Space of Point Landmark Constrained Diffeomorphisms




PieNet: Personalized Image Enhancement Network


[supplementary material] 


Rotational Outlier Identification in Pose Graphs Using Dual Decomposition




Speech-driven Facial Animation using Cascaded GANs for Learning of Motion and Texture


[supplementary material] 


Solving Phase Retrieval with a Learned Reference




Dual Grid Net: Hand Mesh Vertex Regression from Single Depth Maps





该名单在ECCV 2020接受的论文和参考文献中。


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